Time for a seasonal game here at Contemplating the Divine. No, not charades… not monopoly. Nor even ‘pin the tail on the donkey’s testicles’, which can be a lot of fun for almost everyone taking part.
No, this year the game is to guess what Tumblr considers to be porn. I have a Tumblr, or at least I did at the time of writing this, and it’s even less interesting than this blog because it only ever publishes stuff that has already been displayed here. Nonetheless, Tumblr has decided that certain of my posts have to be suppressed as being too depraved for human eyes to look upon, and has therefore kindly taken it upon itself to protect the world by hiding them. So no one will ever be corrupted by them again, thank goodness. Unless they follow the many links from that blog to this one, obviously. Or download the entire blog, including ‘hidden’ images using tumblrthree. But Tumblr knows that’s not at all likely, so – phew, we’re all safe.
Well… except you lot, who are here. You’re going to hell, despite Tumblr’s best efforts to save you.
Still, before you go why not look at the images below, all of them published on my Tumblr blog, or queued up to be published, and see if you can guess which are OK with Tumblr and which are porn. I know – this is something lots of other people have commented on too. This blog is nothing if not derivative, OK? But it’s Christmas… so: naughty or nice?
Nice! Nothing wrong with this one. Tumblr blocks images of sexual activity. And this is just a lady dressed in leather who has recently whipped a naked man raw. Good wholesome stuff. |
Oh dear. I am so sorry you had to see this. But you can visit my Tumblr site in perfect safety, because it has been hidden from there. |
Nothing remotely ‘adult’ here, says Tumblr. Why that man is dressed like a little girl. And the lady’s obviously ‘his’ mummy. So they’re family. Moving on. |
Yeah, Tumblr’s OK with this too. I mean, they’re not, like, prudes, y’know? No reasonable person would find this offensive, right? |
So there we are. How many did you get right? What do you mean, you ‘just looked at the captions underneath without bothering to guess in advance’? That wasn’t the point of the game, not at all. Perhaps you’d rather spend the afternoon writing 500 lines, hmm?
And you can keep doing that until Christmas, when there might be a special seasonal post. But be warned: it is just possible that some of the images might show young adult females, in slightly risque outfits. If you still want to come and see the blog after that warning, well… may Goddess have mercy on your dark, perverted soul.