Category: OWK
Days of their lives
The OWK ladies once more reminisce to a fictional (but enviable) interviewer, about the best of the best of days. In fact, they reminisce at great length, at least in comparison to the space available for an ordinary caption…
Perhaps one day I’ll post the transcript of the whole interview here, if I ever get round to making it up.
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope
So true. Martin Luther King said that and if I’m honest (I’m not, in general – see the disclaimer to the side of the blog, there), he was probably talking about something other than femdom chastity regimes. But you never know.
This is the lovely Little Caprice, most of whose oeuvre is unsuitable for viewing by the omega-males who read this blog (and I had to crop the image above to make it suitable) so don’t go googling her, OK?
There was a time
Yes, it’s another 1980s/90s -ish-themed post. Those heady days of big hair, big music and big phones. What’s that? yes, I’m well aware I’ve ‘done’ the big hair / big phone joke before. But this is a nostalgic post, it’s supposed to hark back. Oh, and it’s mostly very British. I hear they had the 1980s in other countries, but it doesn’t sound half as good. We had ladies with whips on The Tube and Space 1999 too…
Anyway, this is not another issue of Empress Magazine (but one is even now being lovingly pasted up using photographic paper and wax and will soon be linotyped into existence and rushed out in vans to newsagents worldwide to be handed out to furtive punters in plain paper bags). No, this is just captions relating to another time. That’s what it is. Here they are.
With huge apologies throughout to Cruella. Still going! Pay Andy a visit.
Motivational speech
“I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost.
“I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.”
A typically uplifting sentence from Mr Dickens there. Actually, I have been developing my own version of his classic tale. Titled ‘A Findomme Carol’, it has a similar story arc but the heroine, Princess Screw-you, isn’t such a soft touch as Dickens’s Scrooge. Like his tale, though, it has a happy ending, celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, which as we all know is ‘getting’.
But for this year, ho ho ho, it’s just a few captions with a rather tenuous and even desperate link to the holiday season. Bah humbug.
…and as it’s Christmas, here’s a bonus image, from the series OWK Ladies remember…
Czech their privilege
Fishers of men
… but don’t worry: they are mostly doing it for sport. After hooking you and letting you wriggle and gasp for a while, they’ll usually just unhook you and throw you right back where you were.
Mostly harmful
A note and apology to everyone who has tried to comment in the last few weeks. I had a new spam filter on and the settings were much too restrictive. I have turned them down and I have belatedly found the allow requests lists and approved everyone who didn’t look like a spammer. So do please try again.
If you get blocked again, let me know with a short comment if it lets you post something, or in an allow request if not. I’ll keep tweaking the settings. There are no restrictions on ‘adult’ words or content, it’s all about detecting phrases that seem like ads and scams. So it’s possible your witty and sexy comment about a findomme who wants to MAKE MONEY NOW!!! still won’t get through…
Sorry about this, still getting to grips with WordPress. I’m not the first. I think at one point, Paltego’s site at Femdom Resource was blocking comments with words like ‘femdom’ or ‘dominatrix’ in them, which was a bit unfortunate.
In case you missed it: Kitten went viral over the summer! And there’s a new one, too… love the way she slams the door.
Memories, reposted for technical reasons*
Yes, it’s time for more of those highly inaccurate (and entirely made-up) reminiscences by the very first contingent of Ladies from the Other World Kingdom. Blatant homage or affectionate rip-off? Or should that be the other way around? You decide. Or don’t, if you’d rather not.
* Apologies – not a new post. For a long time I have been getting 4-5 obviously automated and spammy comments per day, all of them on this post which was published on June 15th. I don’t want to restrict commenting, so I have been deleting them manually. But it’s getting worse and today I got about 30. All on the one post… which is pretty f***ing stupid even for an algorithm.
Some of the generic messages are actually quite funny, given the content of the blog and the post below especially. e.g. “My co-workers think I’m wasting too much time reading this blog, but it gives me so much useful information for my life.” I’d certainly like to have seen the spammer who designed the algorithm spend some time in the OWK