[There’s a general disclaimer to the right over there about the factual accuracy of this blog (zero), but just for the avoidance of doubt – and because I would never, ever want to put someone off taking that step of contacting a pro-domme for the first time – let me just emphasise that this is a work of total fiction, and utter nonsense. OK? OK then.]
the bounds of femdom – or rather push beyond the bounds that have traditionally
defined it, if you see what I mean.
I’ve always tried to experiment, but until recently it was always still basically within those same
bounds. But what I’ve been trying lately
with some of my more experienced clients is more… holistic, in a way. Kind of edgy and experimental, but there’s a
thrill to it too.
Erm… well, suppose I’ve got a client who’s into humiliation. He likes to
prance around in a maid’s costume and I’ll order him about and I’ll find fault
with everything he does and punish him, then send him home happy, OK? And that’s fine – it’s a fun way to
play. But what do you do when you’ve
played that same session a hundred times?
Well – what about all of the time when he’s not in session? How about playing the same game – very same game – there?
got him to start telling me more about his life and his work and all of that,
and one day I took a stroll around the hard drive of his laptop while he was
tied down upstairs. And I started
looking through this Powerpoint show he’d made on his computer for an important
client meeting the next day –
pictures of him in his maid’s outfit or whatever, to humiliate him in public?
And I was thinking of that, but then I thought – well, that’s really just
another femdom cliché, isn’t it? Let’s
try something different! So I just
fucked around with it a bit: putting in spelling mistakes, changing some of the
calculations so they didn’t add up. Put
in the name of a different company, to make it look like he’d recycled a
presentation for someone else. That kind
of thing.
poured out this tale of humiliation and shame!
He’d lost the contract and his boss had spent the whole afternoon
shouting at him in front of the whole office.
I got a fit of the giggles to be honest, but he was quite upset. So I pointed out that he’d been thoroughly
humiliated – at my hands – and wasn’t that something to be grateful for?
grateful? Well, no. Not at first. Actually he stormed off. But when he got back in touch wheedling to
see me again, I made it a condition that this was something I was going to be
working into the play from now on, so if he wanted ever to see me again, he had
to accept it.
from a couple of jobs now, so his income’s a lot less than it was. Plus, my
fees have gone up so it’s a lot less affordable all round. But he still sessions when he can.
I do still play games in session.
I’ll dress in leather and I’ll spank and I’ll dress the clients in
humiliating clothing and all the rest of it.
But I insist on more commitment than that too. So – yes, I can spank your bottom. But I’m also going to insist that before our
next session you break your arm. Yes,
you can clean out my toilet. But you’re
also going to be getting an evening job cleaning public urinals. Yes, you can
have a bondage session. But you can also
spend your summer holiday chained up in your back yard, eating raw
potatoes. Yes, I can stomp on your
fingers. But I’m also going to run your foot over, in my car. That kind of vibe.
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Is he wearing a mask because he’s playing a role? Or because his face is marked with cigarette burns? And if so – isn’t that just another role, really? |
something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and got a client sent to
prison. I helped him beat this other
client of mine with a baseball bat, and then he got arrested and sentenced to six
months. If you can get into the right
headspace for it, that would be quite a trip, right?
after being released, I suppose. When he
comes out I’m thinking of setting up a revenge beating – you know, reversing
the roles? But don’t print that: it’s
going to be a surprise for both of them.
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This is not a prison scene. There are no beautiful blonde warders spanking your bottom in prison – but there are people who might put glass into your food. Are you ready for that? |
Hmm. You know, I’m not sure
that’s really the right question. Sure, you can visit a pro-domme and get
slapped around and spat on, and that’s going to be fun, yeah? But is it enough? Really? Is it creative, is it radical, are
you pushing the bounds? I sometimes
think life is nothing more than the experiences we have and the goal is to have
as many experiences and as varied an experiential journey as possible. And if you’ve – say – find yourself naked
and alone in the back streets of Johannesburg without a wallet or a passport…
well, maybe you won’t ‘enjoy it’ as such. In fact, you’ll probably hate every moment.
But you’ll certainly have something to remember, won’t you?
that. I’ve done it twice actually. And I’ve tried it
in Caracas too, but that didn’t work out so well.
shouldn’t have said anything. Move on.
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So you’d eat the ash from my cigarette in session… but would you lick out the public ashtray at the entrance to your office building? You don’t know? Then maybe we should find out. |
away! As you can imagine, surprise for
the clients is a big part of this whole scene.
Plus I haven’t worked out all of the details, to be quite honest. But one idea I’m really excited about is taking medical scene femdom
out there into the real world. I’ve been
reading up on some medical web sites – and I’ll admit I’ve had a little help
from a client with medical qualifications too! – and I think I’ve got a few ideas. I’ve started a couple of things with one or two clients
already, by spiking their drinks, but they won’t have noticed anything yet, as it takes the symptoms a
while to emerge. Actually, one of them
called me today to delay his next session, because he thought he had some kind
of cold coming on, but actually that’s the more serious symptoms just beginning to
manifest themselves. He’ll notice soon that it’s not just a cold. Anyway, we’ll
see. They’re both going to experience a
lot of pain and some quite significant permanent damage to several major
organs, so… it’ll be quite intense.
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area. Like – lots of people with
incurable diseases think to themselves ‘why me?’, you know? So how’s that going to feel if you know the
reason why you’ve got just six months to live, or whatever, hmm? If you know who did that to you? And how are they going to serve me, how are
they going to relate to me in those last few months?
I’m still accepting new slaves. I’m
quite choosy and I’m very particular about who I see. But if any of your readers would like to meet
me in session they can go to the web site and respectfully – respectfully –
fill out the form. Don’t worry about all
of the stuff I’ve been talking about here.
We’ll just play within the usual femdom boundaries until… well, until I’ve
decided you’re ready to move on. Some
never are. And if you are lucky enough to be taken there… then you’ll be a part
of my life journey, won’t you? And I
think any true submissive would be happy with that.