Back on track

Well, the consensus seems to be that Google has backed down, so here we go again.

Have a double-length post to make up for it. Oh – and for the next three weeks or so there will be an additional caption each day on the Tumblr site, that will not appear here (because my filing system is too disorganised to find the right ones, if I delete the Tumblr queue).

****ing Google. 

Don’t worry.  You don’t have to do anything she doesn’t want you to do. In fact, you mustn’t.


Who says men are useless, eh?


I expect you’ll manage well enough without.


It’s bound to be a bit painful at first.  But you’ll get used to it.


I’ve always had this ability to make women laugh. I think I was born with it.


When he left school, he wanted to work in IT. And he does – he usually stops by that department just before lunch


I think we’ve all been there.  Just the other day a market research company rang up and asked if I was interested in taking part in a survey about web use. So I said sure, but after about five or six questions about my browsing habits, they just rang off without any warning!  Bizarre, huh? I mean why did they ask if they don’t want to know the answers?


Something to look forward to.


That’s good of her.
Another thing to tick off her bucket list. 

Elle ne regrette rien

I just love that “we agreed”, don’t you?


It’s working if it’s hurting.


Oh, it’ll be fine.  What could go wrong?


Sometimes being humiliated is not the most humiliating thing..
 This of course is the divine Mistress Eleise de Lacy.  I met her.  She’s wonderful!  And no doubt would never be as unprofessional as this, in a real movie.
To be fair, it’s been a while since she had a really good orgasm.  So, y’know, she’s owed.

Feeling her pain

…it’s just something she likes me to do from time to time.

Strictly speaking, that’s probably against school rules.  I mean, it’s not as if the chalk’s her property, after all.


It’s up to you whether you sign of course – and feel free to take your time.  She can always do you after lunch, if you can hold out that long.  Not a problem.


Thank you.  Ahhh.


That sounds very fair.


Glad to be of service.  It’s the highlight of my month, actually.

A marriage of obedience

A problem shared… 




She’s just helping you put it in context.  Don’t forget to be grateful.


Worth it all for that one night of passion, though, huh?  Huh?


Best just to be passive and forget the aggression.

This is the lovely Gigi Allens from ClareSpanksMen and many other places.  More about her – mostly made up, but illustrated with lots of pictures – here.


These lovely boots exist to drive it round the twist

The call of nature must be obeyed.



She actually has very high standards for sorryness. You’ll see.


It’s her own recipe.
Hmmm… edgy blackmail play.  Got to love it.  No really, you do.


Love her, love her cane, I suppose.


She has her own way of dealing with problems.

Taking his name

Oh – there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, about
the wedding.  You see,  Alan and I have agreed that I’ll take his
surname, when I’m his wife.  So your
brand will be wrong – I’ll be EMR, not EMW. 
We’re going to have you have you branded again.

Yes, I know.  If it’s
any consolation, I think it’s a bit unnecessary too.  When I told Alan your branded initials would
be wrong, I was really just making a light-hearted comment.  I didn’t think he’d insist on changing
them.  But you know what he’s like.


Yes, that’s the problem. 
I mean, you just can’t brand a R over a W. 
It wouldn’t look right.  I tried on paper, and it just always looked really forced.  So we’ll
burn a blank over to erase your old one completely, and then have EMR freshly branded

Sure – you’ll have a kind of blank rectangle burnt into your
skin.  But that’s OK.  Alan doesn’t mind.  The main thing is you’ll have your new brand just under.



Oh stop crying. 
You’re lucky you’re not getting EMR-W!  That would be even more painful, wouldn’t it? 
I’d suggested hyphenating our last names.  But Alan’s a bit old fashioned.  Doesn’t really believe in feminism.  So, I’ll be EMR, and it’ll say that on my credit cards and my passport – and on your left buttock.  Actually, I’m kind of glad he insisted.  It makes me feel very secure, as if by carrying his name around with me I’m holding his hand.  I know it’s not very feminist, but I’m just not a very feminist girl, really.  Alan’s made me realise that.    That’s one of the reasons I love him, actually.

What?  No, of course we can’t do EMW-R!  Alan got cross enough when I suggested hyphenating with his name first!  He’s not going to have you branded with my initial first, is he?  Honestly, you can be so insensitive sometimes! 

You’re getting away lightly at the moment, anyway, you know.  I’m just waiting for him to realise that all our property
belongs to both of us.  If he
does, maybe he’ll want his initials on you too. 
But he hasn’t said anything yet, so fingers crossed – OK?  Just our little secret. I know it really hurts, so I don’t want you to have to face any more irons than absolutely necessary, OK?

Sure.  I won’t say a thing.

Oh – and Alan left some shirts to be ironed – and he wants his shoes polished.  Something else to get used to, I guess!  It’s going to be strange for you, having a man to run around after as well as me.  Strange for both of us – I’ll have to get used to not being the only one in charge.  You know he’s already offered to spank you, if I’m too tired some time?

Put your lovin’ hand out baby

It’s what she says when my hand’s been doing a bit too much lovin’.  I just say ‘Yes Ma’am’.

The beautiful Mistress Mina Thorne, whose dungeon I’m sure is entirely free of creepy-crawlies.  Except her clients, obviously.


Perhaps these things should come with instructions.


Sounds like a win-win.
Actually it arrived two days ago.  Come on – you have to tell her sooner or later. If she calls the couriers and finds out, she’s going to be very cross.


That’s very considerate of her, isn’t it?  They’re not all heartless bitches, the ladies featured on this site, you know.

Taking it slowly at first

Darling, I’ve been thinking about what you told me on
Saturday.  About your need to be…
dominated.  Sexually.

I’m sorry I reacted the way I did.  It was just…a bit of a shock, you know?  It’s not really something I know a lot about, and it just sounded kind of weird and scary… and I guess I just didn’t want to hear that this was happening.  That this wasn’t really my husband saying these things.  You know?

But…I went to look at those web sites you suggested. And a few
more.  And… well, you know, it’s really
not my thing.  Really, really not.  But, darling, you’re my husband and I love you.  And if that’s what’s going
to make you happy, I think we should try it.

Oh darling, calm down.  It’s OK.  Really it is.

Only…it’s all very new to me, so you’ll have to be patient
with me at first, OK?  I don’t think I
can do all of it.  Not straight away.  I mean like dressing
up in leather and rubber and stuff like that. 
I don’t think I can do that. 
We don’t have to, do we?

Great.  Because that’s
a bit too much for me.  Maybe later.  When I’m used to it.

But I was reading about these husbands who dress up in
maids’ outfits and do all the housework. 
That seemed all right.  Shall we try that?  And I’m supposed
to punish you if it’s not done to my satisfaction, right?  With a cane or something?

Or a paddle.  Sure –
whatever.  I’m OK with that.

Oh – and financial domination too.  I could do that, I think.  We’d get your company to pay your salary into
my account, and I’ll control all the money – keep a tight rein on your
spending.  Maybe give you an allowance
each week; or just make you ask me if ever you want to buy anything.  Cane you if you spend any money without my permission.

“Or paddle”?  For that one as well?  OK, sure.  Doesn’t have to be a cane, I suppose.  Not every time.
I read a lot about financial domination.  It does sound kind of fun, actually.  So we can do that.

Anyway, erm…I’ve drawn up a ‘slave contract’.  With stuff about the housework and finances
and the punishment thing.  (I’ve written
‘cane’ actually, in the section about punishments, but we can make that ‘cane or paddle’ if you like.)  And cuckoldry – that’s a very femdom thing
too, right?  So you’ll enjoy that.  It’ll be better for me, too,
because you’ll be in chastity, and that way I don’t have to keep unlocking you
and locking you up again every time I want to make love.

But no more than that, at first, OK?  Just so we can take it slowly, for me.  I’ve included in the contract the right of
Mistress to change the terms anyway, so we can maybe put in a few more things as I
get more confident with it.

Shall I print the contract out now?  So we can sign?  I’ll add that thing about the paddle first.

Stop your sobbing

She’s very particular about the gardening – that’s why she has them whipped so often.  She’s very particular about sex too, but then as her husband you know that already don’t you?


It must be very difficult for her, being trapped in a sexless marriage like that.  Still, she could probably play around a bit.  I mean, it’s only fair.  And who knows – maybe one day they’ll find the key.
She did make a particular point of how cruel and heartless she was in the advert, to be fair.


Women, eh?  There’s always one more thing, isn’t there?


Pesky Geneva Convention. 

So bandwagon!  Much out-of-date meme.  Many comic sans (sorry Steve!).

Just a short one


Oh darling, there was a telephone call for you earlier.  One of those lifestyle surveys that
advertisers use.  I said we weren’t interested and you were busy
doing your chores, but they were very insistent.  Apparently, you’re an important demographic
for them.  Goodness knows why.  So I said I’d answer for you, so they won’t
keep calling back, you know.

Let me see now… what did they want to know?  They asked about hobbies so I said cleaning, ironing
and cooking.  They asked about your sex
life, so I told them you didn’t have one. 
They asked if there were any purchases that you always make sure you
never run out of, so of course I said tampons, because you know how cross I get
if you don’t have them ready for me.  Oh
– and they asked about disposable income so I said you get five pounds a week
in pocket money if you’ve been good.

They lost interest after that, I think, because they just
finished up the survey and rang off.

Sorry that was so disappointingly short.
Wow – I just had a really overwhelming sense of deja vue!  Because I’m sure I’ve typed that exact same sentence before.   But I think this is the first time I’ve posted such a short story as a stand-alone item, so I’ve no idea when that can have been.  Isn’t that weird!  Do you ever get that?
Oh well. I expect it’ll come to me.
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