…in the weekend mood and she’s feeling proud.
Maybe when she’s finished her croquet game. |
I have a similar skill – I can usually tell within about 15 seconds of meeting a woman in a public place whether she’s dominant. I’m not going to give away my secret, but it’s to do with the way her shoes taste. |
Do you suppose coming in your pants counts as contempt of court? |
I could be a ball-boy… It involves a lot of scurrying, I understand. I’m good at scurrying. |
The trouble with that Batman movie was that they just tried to do too much in one movie. They had Anne in a maid’s outfit, in a cocktail dress and dressed like that, for goodness sake. That would surely have been enough to sustain a two-hour movie, without having male characters or a plotline or any of that nonsense. Why do modern movie-makers always cram so much in? |