More of that kind of thing

Mistress Debbie to you.  Scarier than she sounds, huh?


I can feel it helping already.


Well, it wasn’t specifically on his hard limits list, so I suppose it’s OK.
 Lexi Sindel. Who else?  Well… some ants, I suppose.  Oh – and a bloke.
You’ll soon learn to detect the early signs of a long period of impotence.  Pursing her lips, finding fault with you – that kind of thing is usually a good early indication of a prolonged period in which you’ll find sexual release difficult if not impossible to achieve.


It’s good to have occasional surprises in marriage.

Just scream and weep

She’ll do the rest.

Well, at least you can be confident you’re in safe hands.  They’re obviously all trained professionals – look, they’ve got nurses’ outfits and everything.


Oh well. No regrets, eh?  Strawberries are good.


I think she might be right. She usually is.


And where’s the fun in that?
This of course is the lovely Mistress Vixen, sometimes to be found virtually at the address shown there.  Oh go on then, I did it for you.  But she seems to be out.


What an unpleasant little tale.  Why would anyone write something like that?

Memories, memories, sweet memories

Yes, to bring in the new year, what better than to look back – with more recollections from the lovely ladies of the sadly now defunct Other World Kingdom. 

Well, completely made up stuff from the mind of servitor, anyway.  But I do have a general disclaimer over there to the right, if you care to look.  This blog does not make a fetish of realism.  Muddy boots, yes, sissy panties, certainly, but realism – not so much.

This is the second in a series of, well, two at the moment but you never know.  Here’s the first.

Ladies – over to you.





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Stop your sobbing

She’s very particular about the gardening – that’s why she has them whipped so often.  She’s very particular about sex too, but then as her husband you know that already don’t you?


It must be very difficult for her, being trapped in a sexless marriage like that.  Still, she could probably play around a bit.  I mean, it’s only fair.  And who knows – maybe one day they’ll find the key.
She did make a particular point of how cruel and heartless she was in the advert, to be fair.


Women, eh?  There’s always one more thing, isn’t there?


Pesky Geneva Convention. 

So bandwagon!  Much out-of-date meme.  Many comic sans (sorry Steve!).

Arbitrary power

It’s the best sort.

Cassie Hunter is wonderful
It’s the personal touch that counts.
The awesome Hunteress, also known as Mistress Cassie.  But you knew that! 

Slave quarters for Mistress
Summer on the roof, winter in the cellar…and you get to see how she lives in the rest of the house twice a year, when you go up or down.

Beaten by Mistress repeatedly
It’s worth taking the time to get these things right.

Slave cave
Don’t worry – you won’t have the apartment to yourself for long.  It’s not like you’re her only slave.

Castration femdom caption yet again
One form of castration is much the same as another, I reckon.  Just get on with it – that’s what I say.

Long wait

Hi!  Just thought I’d
pop back and check how you were doing in there.

Listen – I’m sorry I’ve been away so long. 

You must have wondered if I was ever coming back!

But you know how it is – with one thing and another, I’m
afraid it just slipped my mind.  I was
just going to come and see how you were doing but then I had a call from one of
my girlfriends.  Chloe – haven’t seen her
for years.  Inviting me to go to Thailand
with her!  Just out of the blue!  So I went for two months. – really

And anyway, after that I had
to go off for the residential section of my course…
…and then it was Christmas,
and I went to see my Mum, so… just one thing after another really.  I know it’s been a while.

What?  No of course
I’m not going to let you out!  Actually,
I haven’t even brought the key with me, so you can forget about that.

But I have got a lovely surprise for you!  Because I expect you’ve been feeling a bit
cooped up and frustrated all this time.

Can you guess what it is?
Pictures of me
in Thailand!  Oh – I had such a great time.

I’ll just top up your food hopper,  then I’ll show them to you.  Don’t go away!

Images are from the rather lovely Pupstail website.  Good boy! 

I have to praise her

…like I should.

Tennis court servitude
Don’t forget to scurry.  Ball boys should definitely scurry.
Femdom together
Sergei I am not looking forward to.
Pissing Mistress
But seeing as this is Mistress Absolute  – the Mistress Absolute – I suspect that can only add to the value, among certain rare connoseurs conouiseirs conosewers, don’t you think?
No tits here
Domina Liza.  I’ll confesss, I don’t know the Lady in person, but I suspect that her attitude to such a request would be along these lines.  This caption is intended to comment on the style of femdom photo that I mentally categorize as ‘tits out for the lads’ and try, virtuously, to avoid.
Femdom insecticide
Awww… poor little thing.

Evil women doing horrible things to men

(I read somewhere that blog posts should have clear, factual titles to attract traffic.  And what could be more attractive than that title?)

Not that it really matters how he reacts, once the padlock’s on.


It’s often the simple things we men find most difficult.


Hmmm.  “If you didn’t want X, you shouldn’t have Y”.  Can’t think where I read that before, Servitor.


Well, I think it’s sweet.  In a slightly psychotic kind of way.


Yup.  Crying’s good.  Also screaming in frustration.  It all helps pass the time.  Actually, the chap pictured behind her there just squats down all day, gently rocking backwards and forwards and moaning in a steady rhythm.  Hey – it gets him through the day, you know?

Oh sweet misery of life at last I’ve found you

Thoughtful domme
There now – you can’t say she didn’t consider it.

Femdom wife demands obedience
I believe she’s right.

Cuckold femdom fantasy etc
It’s good to be special.

Mistress stores slave away
Oh well, as long as she doesn’t give a fuck, I suppose it’s all right.

Yes Ma’am.
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