Fateful decisions

Fateful for you, that is. The decisions are hers alone.

I think there’s room for some negotiation here, where by ‘negotiation’ I mean abject and unconditional begging for her forgiveness and scurrying off to do exactly what she said.
It’s one of his domme’s favourite activities. The local pet supply shop does so well out of her, the owners sent her a Christmas card.
Ooh – sounds like she might be about to give you a second chance! Guess that cheesy chat-up line worked after all, huh?
‘Dress for success’, that’s her motto.
Next, I expect she’ll ask about what happens when you plug it into the electrical mains and turn the dial. They always do… those that don’t just try it for themselves without asking.
I’ve never understood guys who get sexual pleasure from tying up or gagging women. If she can’t speak, how can she order you about? Anyway, such men are nasty perves who enjoy hurting people, and there should be zero tolerance of that, so I’m sure they deserve whatever these two public-spirited ladies and their friends have planned.

Books and bookwomen

Naturally, as a high-profile influencer, I get sent all manner of free materials, although regrettably few outright bribes. Most of this stuff goes straight in the bin, or is pulped and force-fed to me, depending on my SO’s mood, but I thought some of the upcoming book titles publishers are pushing might be of interest to those few of my readers who do more than look at the pictures and flick the ‘page down’ key with their spare hand. So, without further ado (what is ‘ado’ anyway?), here are some of those publishers’ blurbs.

I don’t have any information on the likely publication dates for these titles, but they should be available in all disreputable bookshops, so just keep an eye out.

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