Love and punishment

Corner time, thankfully, is one of those activities that is largely unaffected by the lockdown. In fact, lockdown is a little like corner time for the entire country, if you think about it (and I have lots of thinking time: several hours most days).


There’s no place for this kind of bigotry in the modern world.

Enjoy the view while it’s still unencumbered with tears.

Erm… “because it was a menial occupation that made insufficient use of her prodigious gifts”?

The angelic, diabolic and generally perfect Mistress Eleise, of course, beneath whose notice I have had the privilege on several occasions to crawl in person.  I have never tried her on ‘dumb blonde’ jokes, though… perhaps some more adventurous ‘reader’ could give that a go and let us all know how it works out, if still able to type after the experience.



He does agree. Several times, every day.  As often as she wants, in fact.


And finally a bit of found femdom.  I can’t believe I’ve not encountered* this before.  Nor was I aware that the lovely Alice, of Serena and Alice fame, has a twin sister.  Content warning (1) for those who do not enjoy scenes of brutal torture: contains brutal torture. Content warning (2) for those who do: contains only 1 minute and 45 seconds of it.

Warning 3: the Youtube clip does not appear to be available to viewers located in certain countries.  Gee, if only there were a way to reroute your Internet access through a server in a different country from your own.

* Yes, as a matter of fact I did consider using the lame “come across” joke again.  What of it? 


Despotic love

I suppose I can wait to watch the cookery programme – I’ve become quite good at coping with deferred gratification.  Thank goodness it’s only Raoul this time, anyway.  Sometimes she invites all the guys round to watch a big game and I’m rushed off my feet fetching and carrying beers, snacks and condoms.  She must find it quite exhausting too. 



It’s funny how the simple act of having electrodes attached to your genitals can change your whole perspective on things.


I know she’s a busy woman, but I really think she could cane her own husband. And detention is a very special time in any relationship.

She works hard for her money (so he’d better treat her right).

But with dignity.  Always with dignity.
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