Stories and pictures themed around female domination and male subjugation and servitude. Unsuitable for children, for alpha males, for hard-core practitioners with an interest in the politics of bdsm and the mechanics of complicated rope work. Of interest to perverts like me, basically.
Not a proper post, just thought I’d share with the world my latest attempts at AI art. It’s not there yet, but things are looking more promising and interesting. These ones are from Ideogram. Not bad, I reckon, but it struggles with putting humans in ‘unusual’ situations (like naked midget males in cages), which is fair enough I suppose as there is regrettably little of that sort of thing out there in the ‘real’ world.
I am neither proud nor ashamed of these – just thought it interesting to see what works reasonably well and what does not.
AI doesn’t quite get the idea of ‘inside the cage looking out’, but this came close.
No need to try to remember when you last saw it, obviously, as you don’t forget something like that.
Teach a man to fish, he’ll catch fish whenever he feels like it and probably spend most of his time masturbating; brutally cane him whenever he fails to meet his fish quota, you can live off the fishery earnings for life.
Isn’t that more important? I mean, for one thing she’s going to have a lot more orgasms than you would – as will the two lads too – so it’s a net plus, in utilitarian terms.
Honestly, they’ve gone to all this trouble to give you a terrifying, agonising and life-threatening experience… seems churlish to whine about the weather.
But any lady who does actually decide to break a leg should make sure it belongs to someone not in the show.
You should care about her a lot more than she cares about you. But you probably do anyway, even without realising it.
It’s only about 40 minutes walk, in those high heels. And at her very reasonable tribute rates, that’s only a little more expensive than taking… oh, a helicopter, I suppose?
Don’t worry, they’ve all given their consent: in fact, they renew that consent in a lovely little ceremony every morning, just after the 5am work detail finishes.
Oooh – that’ll be your first discussion as a married couple! I wonder if it will feel different?
In the event, Treasure decided to keep the jar. It’s not that she wants to look at the disgusting thing, but she said she likes to know it’s there, you know? And I suppose it has sentimental value for you, too, so maybe she was thinking of that as well.
I hope the boys appreciate how pretty it is, this time, rather than just ripping it off.
They can be such fun. Yes, we’re back in the wonderful world of St Mackenzies, that great British educational institution that understands the contribution a good carpet-munching, peach-bumping lesbian gangbang – or several – can make to a traditional education.
Any resemblance to the real StMacs is… well, somewhat unsurprising, seeing as that is where I got the pictures.
It’s no one’s fault but your own, you know. Well… I expect they’ll blame 216 for it, too.
Many brides get nervous, before their wedding nights, especially when, like her, they’re not very experienced with men. But really it’s the groom who should be scared.
More howly for a start.
They have an office policy on sexual discrimination and harassment: it’s quite detailed.
Just wait it out… are you master in your own house or not? Anyway, she’ll probably do the ‘half”…’a quarter’ thing.
Many men in these circumstances make the mistale of starting with an apology – which is insulting and offensive to her, as it’s a way of trying to control her reaction, you know? It’s a Mars/Venus thing. Try just calmly acknowledging the facts of your behaviour, observe her reaction, then after that (or during it, even) apologise as profusely and abjectly as you feel the situation merits.
They choose a different male to participate every day – oh, and two on Saturdays, when there’s a matinee show for kids, of course.
So much simpler that way. There’s enough that’s complicated in this world: shoe buying shouldn’t have to be.
Don’t feel you have to be brave for her. She wouldn’t enjoy it as much if you were.
Despite what you might think from the picture, their order’s habit (clothing) is actually very mainstream. There was just a mix-up at the laundry, some of the clothing got mislaid, so they had to buy a few extra nun costumes, and as luck would have it, the only place still open was the local fetish shop. Obviously, they’ll be taking this up with the owners of the laundry, who might find themselves in need of rather a lot of penance.
Isn’t it sweet, how she’s not just thinking of her own pleasure?
There are lots of books you can read about negotiating techniques – they’d probably be helpful in this situation. Sadly, the cage in which you are locked naked doesn’t have any of them.
Don’t worry, there are lots of things she’s been thinking of that can also spice up the relationship. She’s just been holding back, up until now, that’s all.
Inexperienced slaves might object “But what if no one has a use for me all day?”. To which the answer, obviously, is “Then you remain facing the wall.”. You have your orders, there’s nothing unclear so why try to ask annoying questions?
Not that it matters, but, actually, being ignored isn’t one of this client’s fetishes but he’s never been given the opportunity to explain that.
Don’t worry, if self-control fails there’s always external control to fall back on.
I’ve watched Goddess Anya in so many things. Let’s see, there was that series where she was a chess player and another about her as the American girlfriend/wife of some Birmingham gangster and obviously the movie about her eating in a restaurant that blows up after they’ve served her her cheeseburger. Oh and that Jane Austen, of course: the one that didn’t have the divine Annie Hathaway in it. I suppose there may have been one or two other actors in those but I can’t say I paid a lot of attention to the non-Anya scenes, or the plots.
My wedding night was memorable… I still occasionally wake up in a cold sweat of terror.
They’re always looking for volunteers for their practice sessions, if you want a free show.
She’s a bit fierce on the hockey field… finds it to be a place where she can work off her anger.
You might think that jerking yourself off in front of a mocking naked girl is humiliating, but is it really worse than jerking off in front of a computer, all alone in your room with your trousers around your ankles? Hmm?
PS, I understand there’s some kind of election taking place today, in one or other of Britain’s former colonies. As a non-American, obviously I cannot advise anyone who does have that status on how to vote (although I’m happy to provide tips on how to spell words like ‘neighbour”, to point out that the phrase ‘I could care less’ actually makes no sense at all and to explain the difference between jelly and jam). The important thing is to vote, regardless of which candidate you… you… what am I saying? He’s a deranged idiot, everyone who has ever worked with him says so, how could anybody even be thinking of… oh, just do what you’re going to do. I suppose anyone whose vote might be swayed by what they read on a pornographic blog like this probably shouldn’t be voting at all, on general principles, right? But… I mean to say. Really. Again? Fucking hell.