But fortunately correcting them is in the power of woman.

But fortunately correcting them is in the power of woman.
A silly little thing (I know I am but what are you? Oh no, hang on…). Anyway, just a poem, not worth taking up a whole posting slot, so up it goes as an extra.
“I don’t know how you cope”
Said the gimp to the simp
“With her constant demands for more cash.
Don’t you long when you meet her, to kiss shoes to greet her
Or serve as a tray for her ash?”
“It’s my kink and that’s that.”
Said the simp to the gimp
“But your lifestyle is hardly ideal.
Caged or chained all alone, with no life of your own
Till you’re summoned to crawl at her heel.”
“I’m her pet and I’m proud!”
Said the gimp to the simp
And he showed off his monogrammed collar.
“You’re just moneyslave 9; when you’re typing online
All she sees is the sign of the dollar.”
“At least I can type”
Said the simp to the gimp
Showing fingers splayed out, with a grin.
“I can move my hands freely and stand on my feet – see?
My meals don’t come out of a tin.”
“Right!” – started the gimp
But his voice was soon stopped
By a ball gag, inserted at speed.
“Your mouth’s not to bicker, you boot and floor-licker!”
And the gimp was dragged off on a lead.
“Well that finished fast”
The simp chortled in glee
Then with shock he caught sight of his phone.
“Too slow to reply – that’s three times now, so bye!”
And he sat there, all sad and alone.
Don’t make her say it twice.
* Just over one in ten million. “Do the maths” – as a Governess I used to visit used to say – “then bend over the punishment bench so I can do the marking”.
The divine Mistress Akella, there.
And slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us. A beautiful but somehow… disturbing sight. *
More science fiction.
* Yes, yes, I know I’ve quoted War of the Worlds before in the title of one of these. But not the Jeff Wayne version, right? Wee-oo, wye-oh, we-UHHH!
John Calvin said that, kinky little slut that he was.
Just a silly thing. See this too, if you like this sort of nonsense (and haven’t used up all the computer time she allows you).
Dungeon Creep 2 Early Access – Patch Notes for V0.8 update.
New skins / costumes / items
Players should note that Mistresses in the game are intended to be unreasonable and unfair in their behaviour, so considerable frustration is to be expected in normal play. Several aspects of gameplay that have been reported as bugs are deliberate including: players not given the time to complete tasks to deadline, or being restrained in ways that prevent delivery, Mistresses requiring tasks done to an impossible standard or deadline, players being blamed for inevitable outcomes (such as bathwater cooling down below a Mistress’s required temperature range, or Mistresses judging the quality of boot-cleaning only after walking across a muddy field) and so on.
Tweaks / rebalancing
Call for playtesters! FD Gaming is working on integrating Dungeon Creep 2 with the Safekeeper 9000 remote chastity device. We are looking to recruit beta-testers (in possession of a Safekeeper 9000 or prepared to purchase one) as we iron out the bugs in this exciting new development in DC2 gameplay. Please email us at the usual address to apply. Note that all beta-testers will be required to sign a waiver absolving FD Gaming from liability for any harm resulting from the testing.
The images accompanying this nonsense are of course from ‘Saints’ Row: Enter The Dominatrix’, which I am sure is very lovely but does tend to appear rather too often in my web searches for real world stuff. Personally, I prefer quieter games, like housework simulators and line-writing programmes.
That’s the divine Heather, being contemplated in the scene above.
Fairy tales… yes, more fairy tales. But there’s a theme today. See if you can guess what it is.
No prizes, of course, for spotting the theme (any who didn’t, please go and book a session with a suitably severe lady to be beaten for stupidity). All fairy tales should feature breathtakingly beautiful princesses, wicked queens, clever heroines and evil and sadistic villains – how much simpler the author’s task when all of those are combined in one, wonderful, elegant and… well, divine form.