And slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us. A beautiful but somehow… disturbing sight. *
More science fiction.

* Yes, yes, I know I’ve quoted War of the Worlds before in the title of one of these. But not the Jeff Wayne version, right? Wee-oo, wye-oh, we-UHHH!
Immeasurably superior?
That’ll be all women then…….
Mr Mouse
Quite so. It does seem a little unfair… I mean, in the War of the Worlds it was the Martians who had the wrinkled, repulsive bodies. Women are just superior in all dimensions.
Anyway, can’t hang around here bemoaning my lot and philosphicating all day… not with the ironing to do.
Best wishes
700 Years From Now . . .
Let’s be fair, the cannibalism she’s talking about is consensual.
Sort of.
It is, PP. And much more humane than our eating habits too.
For one thing, it’s not fatal. Any limb sawn, sliced or shredded off for cooking – or just gnawed raw, as some rather fancy restaurants offer – can simply be regrown and in a couple of weeks is all ready for the next gourmet to pick from her menu.
And for another, the women of that far-off time consider it utterly barbaric to imprison, torture and eat poor defenceless members of other species, as our world does. Cruelty to non-human animals is simply unknown.
A utopian dream, hou might think – but who knows: what is merely the dream of a poet or a pervert at one time may yet become the reality in another.
Best wishes
PS – I think you might have had some difficulties getting past the anti-wontmentionspam filter lately? Should be OK now