Stories and pictures themed around female domination and male subjugation and servitude. Unsuitable for children, for alpha males, for hard-core practitioners with an interest in the politics of bdsm and the mechanics of complicated rope work. Of interest to perverts like me, basically.
Malign neglect
She’s not one of these ladies who objects to your having an opinion that’s different from hers – in fact, you can have any opinions you like, as far as she’s concerned.
Madame Samantha’s technique with a cordkscrew is legendary.
Oh dear, how embarassing.
Don’t worry: it’s a purely symbolic sacrifice the Goddess will demand of you. You won’t be deprived of anything important.
Which is fine, but did Trevor hear his wife call out for him to “just tidy this lot up, will you darling?” as she was carried into the bedroom? Better start wriggling.
Nothing ventured nothing win… faint heart never won fair mistress (or an unfair one).
2 thoughts on “Malign neglect”
Needing seven naked temple maidens to be persuaded seems a little excessive.
I would have done it just for her, and she wouldn’t even have had to take her clothes off.
What possible harm is there in doing something nice for a beautiful woman?
Needing seven naked temple maidens to be persuaded seems a little excessive.
I would have done it just for her, and she wouldn’t even have had to take her clothes off.
What possible harm is there in doing something nice for a beautiful woman?
Mr M
But can this humble would-be slave suggest that Mistress Joy would like an even more expensive necklace than the one she is wearing right now?