You know how it is with some girls. They seem to take the stuffing right out of you.

I mean to say, there is something about their personality that paralyses the vocal cords and reduces the contents of the brain to cauliflower.

P. G. Wodehouse, Right-Ho, Jeeves!

Yes, it’s more Downton Domination.

9 thoughts on “You know how it is with some girls. They seem to take the stuffing right out of you.”

  1. Caption 4:
    I’d probably not be too eager to be “entertainment” in the mess hall for these broads. They can get rather rowdy. I guess it’s better than serving them in the barracks. I heard its not just about making beds and cleaning toilets. You’d be considered “morale gear” of an even more….intimate kind than being just “entertainment”. Thankfully, I’m the commanding officers personal servant, so I only have to please her.

    Caption 5:
    I think my mother in law knew full well what she was doing when she selected Marjorie Pearl, making me stay with her in the east wing, where I’d be at her beck and call. Her physical description of her didn’t do her justice. My knees got weak at the sight of her, very intimidating presence. The lustful looks she gave me, licking her lips, cracking her knuckles when she said “looks like I’ll have something else I can ride to exhaustion now” in her deep husky voice gave me a fear boner. I’ll do my utmost to stay in her good graces, to avoid her temper. I don’t want a painful demonstration of her “Ox” like strength.

  2. Caption 1
    Even after the severe birching delivered to this young man, he didn’t learn his lesson. He was caught trespassing and thieving on two more occasions – and given further, increased punishment.

    But what on earth to do if such recidivism continued? Julia, of course, had an idea. It seemed a little severe and, well, permanent. Nevertheless, let the punishment fit the crime . . .

  3. She says that pissing in a man’s mouth is one of the finer things in life.

  4. Difficult to pull off whilst wearing an A-line dress. She clearly has done more than just hearing of it, if she can achieve it with any level of elan.

    Mr M

    1. I understand that during that epoch, ladies of quality knew where to obtain garments with the discreet pleats and folded gathers necessary to the task. Indeed, ladies’ weekly magazines would include step-by-step sewing guides to help their readers achieve that for themselves, never of course using any vulgar terms or direct descriptions of the activity that those alterations would afford.

      Nowadays of course we have no time for such evasions and euphemisms: it’s perfectly natural for ladies to want to pee on, or into, men so why not call it by its name? But I think there’s nothing wrong with a little genteel decorum in social intercourse, especially where excretion-based degradation is concerned.

      Best wishes


    1. Goodness me, Nonny, that pun is bad even by the standards of this blog, whcih are low enough to crawl beneath the arch of a lady’s shoe. My congratulations, you are a natural.

      Best wishes


      1. Thank you, I rarely feel proud of myself. It’s a dangerous indulgence in my world…..


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