For art’s sake

Still playing around with AI art online, as long as it’s free (it’s not that I’m a cheapskate freeloader, it’s… oh hang on, I suppose I am). These are mostly still from Ideogram, but a few as well from Grok before it shut me out.

I claim no artistic merit for these and it is all still some way off generating something suprising and creative, but it’s interesting. I find the cartoon or artwork much more effective than the ‘photo-realistic’ images; perhaps the more advanced and expensive engines are better at ‘realism’, but I’m still not seeing much of it that I like on Tumblr. Indeed, I’ve gone to the opposite extreme: when I see an image with an apparently air-brushed look I tend to ignore it as ‘AI’, when I might be rejecting genuine photos of young ladies with particularly perfect skin and big eyes… Oh well, all work in progress.

Quite like this but it took a lot of iterations. The AI simply can’t do whips – they usually end up as loops and swirl around weirdly – which is a bit of a drawback in my oeuvre.
The AIs seem very reluctant to depict males who are in captivity / shrunk etc as being anything other than normal-looking and in business suits. I suppose that’s the majority of images of human males online, reflecting the regrettable rarity of slavery and degrading abuse of males in our world, alas.
I specified in several iterations of this that the males were supposed to look unhappy. Stupid AI. Probably male itself. It got the cheerful women right.
It’s weird – given that AIs are actually primarily designed for and quite good at conversation – that they so often go completely bonkers when asked to insert text in an image, even if you specify what it should say. In this and the next two, I was trying for a totalitarian female supremacist look and I quite like these but the text is mad. Not a problem, as if I really wanted to use something like this, I could replace the lettering, I just think it’s weird. Also, not convinced that twice-broken cuff hanging from her belt is going to be of much use in crushing the men’s libbers.
In the unlikely event I had a vote in this future world, any party with the slogan “Fack the consopants” would definitely get mine.
I think the flag works well. I like the way it makes the symbol ripple.
Again, took a lot of iterations to get this and it’s not really what I wanted. The men in dresses look grumpy and malevolent, rather than sad and beaten. I quite like the art style and it’s nice to know the AI can do you a traditional British boarding school architecture, which could be useful (I avoid writing words like ‘school’ in any prompts though).
Slightly different take on the same idea. Prompting about leashes and collars tends to produce dogs. Also, note the loopy and wildly impractical whip.
Wonder Woman and Domme Woman. This came out like this first time; I suppose it’s good on comics and this is a fairly mainstream scene. Usual crazy looping weirdness in place of whip.
One of the very few in which I was actually given a collared naked man in a cage! Quite hard to prompt for that too explicitly without being told your image is too naughty to be displayed. More generally, the image is correct in all sorts of ways the AI usually messes up: no loopy whips, the cage actually surrounds the body, the leash passes through the bars, etc. Obviously the AI accessing its more intelligent, female side.
Gustav Klimt dominatrix. It’s quite good at inserting a domme in any well-established artist’s style. Loopy whip…
And Dali. At least with surrealism the wildly impractical vaguely BDSM-looking items are in keeping. Quite surprised it let me have the hanging man-skin without objecting to the naughtiness involved. Like most online decency filters it’s much more worried about showing naked breasts than torture, flaying alive, dismemberment etc. So that’s good.

The above were all from Ideogram. Two below from Grok, but you don’t get many free goes so I didn’t do much except try a couple of prompts that had worked for me on Ideogram.

4 thoughts on “For art’s sake”

  1. According to Oberst im Generalstab Elon we have now exhausted the library of human knowledge with which to train AI.

    So it’s going to teach itself from here on.

    Scary, isn’t it…….


    1. Yeah, things were better when the divine Tallulah was in charge of him. He needs that kind of guidance.

      It’s not too surprising we’re running out of knowledge in this male-led world. Fortunately, this blog produces more new and unusual content every week, yet I believe the AIs rarely take account of it. The existence of that gap implies that, soon enough, the technological edge that leads to world domination will depend on how well these super-intelligent programmes can produce femdom captioned images. Which can surely only lead to a better world.

      Best wishes


  2. There a lot of ways to generate NSFW AI images for free. I can give a list of websites that do it. Also if you are tech savvy, one can run an Image generator model locally.

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