I have occasionally featured material from this blog’s sweaty sister publication Armpit Fetishist Monthly. Now as you all know, AFM (as the cognos-scenty call it) has long ago abandoned its origins as a jazz mag for lonely perverts with a bizarre fetish for mainly shaven female armpits and has branched out into trenchant political analysis, social commentary and artistic ideas that set the cultural agenda, for lonely perverts with a bizarre fetish for mainly shaven female armpits.
But it has never forgotten its roots and this year I am delighted to bring you the girls from the AFM 2025 calendar!

Oh, I am completely undone.
Happy(t) New Year Servitor.
All the best for 2025.
Mr M
Then do yourself up again, Mr M. Disgraceful behaviour. A note has been made in your governess’s little book.
Best wishes for 2025. I’m sure you’ll get everything you deserve and deserve everything that’s coming to you.
Oh yes, it’s the New Year and time for men to have the sizes of their testicles measured so that women can make their decisiones.
Perhaps a little trim might be in order in some cases, Alberto.
Happy new year.