Ages since I did one of these. Glimpses of informative public information posters from another world: a better, if occasionally just a tad authoritarian, world.
Look, boys, they gave you the option of doing this the easy way, OK? But you chose differently.

I locked it AND lost it…..
Mr M
Well, that’s just careless, Mr M. You should try to look after your things. I’m sure you’ve no one to blame but yourself.
Best wishes
No one I would dare to blame anyway……..
Mr M
Permanent Female Supremacy… ah if only it could come about within my life time.
Ah, you never know, tied. You might get lucky and end your days being worked to death in a male labour camp, shivering and naked under the lash of a sadistic overseer. We have to cling on to the dream.
Best wishes
Any male stupid enough to utter even the term “men’s lib” out of their mouth knowing of the consequences in such an oppressive regime that is utterly intolerant of such beliefs deservers what he’s got coming to him. He was begging to be punished severely if he’s that dumb.
What I’m really thinking in my head:
*Though I must say, that its probably the “natural” response to oppression, so I totally understand the grievance of what the regime calls “offensively un-submissive traitors”. Of course my mistress will never hear me say it. Luckily the females can’t read minds.*
Not yet; it is just a question of time, and when they do …
Goddess help us then. That’s like a woman’s intuition cranked up times 100. She just “knows” something is wrong. Hopefully there will be protections enacted by law for this invasive act.
Thanks both. Yeah, women’s intuition is generally right about these things and the main difference in the future utopia I describe here is that this principle is recognised in law, that’s all. Males may think it unfair to be sentenced to ten year’s hard labour under the ‘I’m pretty sure he was thinking that” standard but the law is the law and that’s that. And there’s always the “But even if he wasn’t, I’m sure he’s guilty of plenty of other stuff” clause to take into account.
The other key principle, of course, is that everything not forbidden is compulsory.
We might find that all a bit brutal and arbitrary, but no one really cares what we males think, right? No one of importance anyway.
Best wishes and hail the Matriarchy!