The title, obviously, indicating that it’s a special dedicated to that wholesome British country pastime, The Hunt. Vicious, brutal and non-consensual with no scantily clad ladies but lots of words. Those last two may well put male readers off, I know, but no one here cares what males think, so that’s fine.

It’s scary how lesbians have so much fun claiming their trophies while men scream in horror as they bleed to death in the end.
Say it ain’t so Señor Servitor.
Well, I don’t know how prevalent such wholesome pursuits are in the so-called real world, Alberto, but here it is and always will be so. This is and will remain a safe space for predatory, man-hating male genital-maiming lesbians and let’s face it, there are so few of those in the modern world.
Best wishes
These are my favorite captions you do! It’s always a treat when they come around. It’s like when a new season of a TV show drops.
Thank you, Riley. I hope one day you get to experience The Hunt for real.
Best wishes
I’ve never understood sexism.
It has always seemed to me perfectly obvious that women are superior in every way.
Even men’s supposed physical superiority often disappears as the challenge gets harder. Take ultramarathon running for example.
In reality, and tradition and practice aside, the ladies here could actually run the quarry down without the horses……
Mr M
In the modern world sexist (and factual incorrect) statements like “men and women are equal” are quite common, alas. I think men sometimes don’t realise how hurtful statements like that can be to women, but The Hunt at least provides a way for them to feel that pain, so I hope it is not too long in being introduced for real.
Horseless Hunts are indeed a thing – a little slower, but in some ways more satisfying when in at the kill. There are even subaquatic versions, with spear-guns, although I understand many ladies prefer simply slicing off the quarry’s air-hose to using the spears, at the end.
Best wishes
Best wishes
That “slicing off the quarry’s air-hose” brought tears to my eyes….
The Hunt is and will be the best caption series in this femdom universe forever. Even as a non-native speaker I really appreciate the wit and subtleties, as well as the superior self-image of the women.
Thx so much
You are very welcome, Giverny. Although in some senses there’s nothing witty or subtle about terrified naked males being hunted to death by sadistic horsewomen, there can be art and beauty to be found there, as in all things. As the quarry is brought to ground with a well-placed curling stroke around his ankles, and realises with dread that there will be no Sanctuary for him, I hope that can bring some comfort to the very painful – and often long drawn-out – last moments that lie ahead for him.
Best wishes
The sporting aspect, the unity of horse and rider and the intensity at the end of the hunt – there is probably nothing more exciting and nothing that feels more satisfying and real. It has never been more uplifting to be a woman, so good to be alive. The Hunt – what a great institution to empower women!
Best wishes