Not a proper post, just thought I’d share with the world my latest attempts at AI art. It’s not there yet, but things are looking more promising and interesting. These ones are from Ideogram. Not bad, I reckon, but it struggles with putting humans in ‘unusual’ situations (like naked midget males in cages), which is fair enough I suppose as there is regrettably little of that sort of thing out there in the ‘real’ world.
I am neither proud nor ashamed of these – just thought it interesting to see what works reasonably well and what does not.

These are fun, servitor.
I like the little men in cages being bought at a pet shop.
Yes, it’s a fun activity. The little things can be very silly, though: they squeak and clamour to be released from their cages throughout the journey back to their buyer’s home, then when they get there and see what awaits them, they just start shrieking to stay inside and often have to be shaken out onto the floor, before the fun can start. Still got those illogical male brains, even when reduced to a more compact variant.
Best wishes
Some real potential here, perhaps depending on the nanny filters!
Apparently my wife is currently exploring having artificial intelligence installed in me. She likes the idea of living with a sentient and capable being.
As I said to her though, those humanoid robots have their limitations. For example, you never see one with genitalia.
She agreed with me.
I don’t understand her sometimes.
Mr M
Oh, genitalia are over-rated anyway. Unlike Nannies, Nonny.
Best wishes
AI plus modern technology will make men’s brains re-wired so that their male horny-ness is fully converted into only serving women. Progress, men will beg to serve. ¡A new day Señor Servitor!
True enough, Señor Alberto. AI is a rather male invention, though, females having sufficient of the real thing not to need artificial support.
Best wishes
Would you like to share the prompts for any of these?
I tried my hand at AI pictures, but I find it hard, almost impossible to have two distinct characters. If I add features for character 1, they will spill over to character 2 and vice versa. If I say for instance ”a man fighting a dragon”, I will get two characters (with some luck), not fighting and both will be human AND dragon. Say men with a dragon heads and wings.
They are fairly straightforward actually – Ideogram adds to your prompts to create what it calls a ‘magic prompt’, which you can see and edit, so it’s quite easy. You do indeed have to specify who does what, though, and several of my domme and slave attempts had the slave whipping himself, the domme kneeling etc etc. You just need to be very, very literal and avoid ambiguity because the AI will misunderstand anything, if it is possible to do so. Provides something of an insight into how it must be for females, trying to explain things to males, I suppose.
One of the planet of giant women ones, for instance was “A cover from a 1950s pulp science fiction magazine with the title “Planet of Giant Women!”. The scene is an alien planet with a cratered, lifeless surface like the moon. The black sky is full of stars. In the foreground, a rocket ship has landed on the planet. Around the ship, three astronauts in spacesuits are visible, looking up. Before them, a giant high-heeled leather boot with eyelets and laces is placed on the ground. Beneath the boot, we can just see the shape of a fourth astronaut, in a spacesuit like the other three, crushed flat and dead. The astronauts are slightly shorter than the length of the heel. The woman wearing the boot is out of frame, the top of the boot not visible.”
Even then, the ‘crushed astronaut’ is obviously not crushed. Attempts to get women riding men “like horses” all failed too – even with the addition of “No actual horse is visible in the image”, horses appeared.
Another is “A painting in the style of a British propaganda poster from the Second World War. The image shows a dominatrix overseeing men working in the fields. The dominatrix is wearing black leather, including high-heeled boots, a white cotton blouse, a black leather jacket, a leather miniskirt, and a black leather military-style peaked cap. She has an armband with the Union Jack flag on it and is holding a whip. A Spitfire is visible high in the sky above.”
Good luck with the dragons.
Best wishes
Thanks for the long and eloquent reply.
”Riding”, yes, tried have people ”riding” on dragons, which just resulted in horses appearing in the pictures.