Wait until she gets home

And if, when she does, she doesn’t come to open the cage, you can wait until she goes out again, too, and then start the whole thing all over again. It helps pass the time.

The occasional spanking can form part of a healthy and mutually-respectful relationship… as well as the sorts of relationships celebrated on this blog too, obviousy.
If it’s any consolation, she is actually wearing silk underwear.
She’s determined to make fetch happen.
It was this or the kennels and that can just be more trouble than it’s worth. All that fuss about how they generally only take dogs and cats… speciesism, that’s what it is.
She needs to develop techniques to relax, maybe take some of the tension away, especially if she’s going to be watching a lot of castrations. I expect going to lie down in the nurse’s room will help.
Apparently, the priest is planning to preach a sermon on practising thankfulness in marriage, which seems very apposite.

3 thoughts on “Wait until she gets home”

  1. Eventually my wife found me a special stick for my birthday. It avoids these sorts of frustrations.

    If I feel a bit self conscious carrying it to the park in my mouth, then that’s a small price to pay for her happiness.

    Sometimes, other ladies comment on what a good boy I am. They even sometimes ask if they can pet me.

    They never can.


  2. Castration clinic.
    when my woman started wearing castration jewelry, earrings and necklaces with small scrotum sacks, I got very submissive

  3. 1st Caption:
    Spankings can contribute to a healthy sex life, but if you overdo it, it becomes abusive. He should confess to his friends as a cry for help that he does indeed hate getting spanked, and that its not voluntary, to expose her. She’s taken it too far. He’s just gotta be careful on how he does it, to avoid her inevitable retaliation.

    Last Caption:
    Come on buddy, just submit to her, and say your vows of fear, worship and obedience to her. Is NOT doing it worth getting hung from a hook? Better think hard on your next move, because I’m sure its gonna be worse than all the atomic hanging wedgies she gave you in high school and college. Hell, that was probably just practice for the real thing. So please, just say your vows and live happily ever after and save yourself the trouble.

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