She is your everything

… which is just as well, as you’re her nothing.

Oddly enough, I was actually engaged in SPH play years before I even knew what it was – in the school changing room, for instance. I guess I’m just a natural.
Don’t worry, she generally just takes little light puffs, she doesn’t pull on it to drag it down quickly. Unless she’s had a hard day or something like that, obviously.
In a very real sense, marriage to her is a stress position, so it’s all good practice.
I find being on a leash quite reassuring. My SO got one of those extendable ones – you know, that have a kind of wheel that can pay out to allow the pet to run off some way – and I have to say, I felt almost agoraphobic with it on. Unfortunately, it broke one day when I was fetching it, and after a good hard discussion of why ‘it broke’ I was dragged out of the door on the good old chain.

Bunnies are actually savage little creatures. True fact (read Watership Down). Perhaps that’s what inspires these lovely ladies.
Hmm… looks like Jake was a bit surprised by that! He really shouldn’t have been – anyone could have guessed that Bluetooth connectivity was likely to come up. Now he’s going to get all embarrassed by having his ignorance shown up right there on stage.

4 thoughts on “She is your everything”

  1. I’m sure he will stay close at heel, leash or no leash.

    I know I would….


  2. ”Max, what are you doing, please?”

    ”I am sorry, goddess, but I forgot to check the en suite bathrooms in the guest rooms, it was fortuitous that I did because the two at the top of the corridor were out of clean towels.”

    ”Honey, you know you shouldn’t be up here after twelve noon. Can you remember why?”

    ”Well, I think it is in case I don’t finish my chores in the morning and want to spend time sniffing your panties drawer or some such in the afternoon.”

    ”Good boy. You remembered well. So, put in your review book that you were upstairs at three o’clock in the afternoon, OK?”

    ”Yes, goddess, of course, goddess.”

    Such a sweet sissy.


  3. Review time at work’
    From time to time I hold review meetings for our sissy clerks in the law firm where I am a partner. Usually these are carried out by female Team Leaders, but it is good for morale if, occasionally, a very senior lawyer gets involved.

    The boy we are seeing is Thomas Fart. He is 56 years old and has been with the firm since he left school at 16 years old, that is nearly 40 years. His role is as a senior boy goffer. He goes on errands for the women in the team, fetches refreshments, does filing, shoe cleaning, toilet cleaning and is generally a help.

    I am with his manager, Chloe White (30 years old) and Linda Mauve (25 years old, a Team Leader for Gofers).

    Chloe: ”Good morning Tommy, good boy. Take a seat. We are very pleased that Zoe Sullivan has joined us for your review today. Pleas show your appreciation.”

    Tommy: ”Thank you so much Mrs Sullivan, I am greatly honoured and pleased you are joining the review interview.”

    Me: ”That is OK, I take an interest in the women who work for me and that inevitably means boys like you too, who support and serve the women.”

    Linda: ”OK, Tommy. How do you think your year has been, on a scale of one to ten, where ten is excellent? Give a reason for your score, sissy.”

    Tommy: ”I think about seven or eight out of ten. I haven’t been late responding to a buzzer, or been lazy or given any back chat. However, no one has praised me either, so it could be better I guess, but I don’t know how.”

    Chloe: ” Most of the ladies you serve have said you are an old creepy man, who leers at them. They say this is especially bad in the summer when they wear summer dresses. Your score from them ranges from two to six.”

    Me: ”Tommy, do you like to serve women here? Are you secretly in love with any of them? DO you like looking at tanned bare legs in te summer?”

    Tommy: ”Mrs Sullivan, I am aware I am old and a bit sad. I wouldn’t think of myself as being in love, more in awe and admiration at their beauty and professionalism.”

    Linda: ”We haven’t got long, Tommy. I propose your score stays the same as the last two years at four out of ten. You need to improve your attitude towards the women here. You need to look at the floor rather than their bodies. Pathetic old man, OK?”

    Me: ”I have dealt with lots of sad old men like you Tommy. Man-up and do better, OK? Unless Chloe has anything to add, you may go.”

    Chloe: ”If your scores don’t improve in the next six months you will be demoted to full tie toilet sissy, you may go.”

    Tommy: ”Thank you ladies. I will improve, I promise.”

    After Thomas went we chatted about him for a while. I then went back to my office on the 34th floor.


  4. I wonder what Jake could possibly know about the product that made him so confident.

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