… which is to be used in a poltice and secured firmly on the bodily part in question. More tales of domination with decorum, from Downton days.

… which is to be used in a poltice and secured firmly on the bodily part in question. More tales of domination with decorum, from Downton days.
Fancy having a regular weekly sexual intercourse night, it seems almost unbelievable.
All my marriage I have had to cater to my wife’s unpredictable libido and then the availability of her men. Many is the time I have been unexpectedly stood in the corner of our bedroom on a Tuesday evening only after managing to beg one or another of her lovers to come over, sometimes making several unsuccessful calls initially.
A regular weekly sexual intercourse night. How much trouble would that have saved me over the years.
Mr Mouse
Don’t beat yourself up just because sometimes it takes you a bit longer to find your wife a lover than either of you would like, Mr M. Sounds like you always manage to satisfy her eventually, and that is not something every husband can say.
Best wishes