The will to power

This particular set of vows contains penalty clauses.
It’s nice to be special, isn’t it?
I think she’s coping very well.

The wonderful Lady Sophia Black. I don’t know what she’s doing now she’s retired from professional domination, but I’ll bet she’s amazingly good at that, too.

Men who aren’t meek and obedient have something wrong with their brains. Fortunately, it’s fixable.
Tastes much the same, if I’m honest.
Well, that’s my plan for the session sorted out!

6 thoughts on “The will to power”

  1. Caption 1: “This particular set of vows contains penalty clauses.”

    Yeah, knowing her, there surely is. I’m not even trying to find out what out what those clauses are, but I’m sure it involves her hanging me in a coat rack by my undies in an atomic wedgie. That’s what she used to do to me in our school days before she imposed marriage upon me.

    1. Ah, well at least you got to marry your childhood sweetheart, Squaw. I never did… or had any relationship with her, alas, which broke my teenage heart. I’d spend entire nights just weeping and composing letters I’d never send…

      Oddly enough, years later I met her at a school reunion and my SO went upstairs for a fivesome with her, Simon Kale, who used to bully me, and the twins Robin and Clive Wright. An ‘energetic little sex bunny’, as my SO later described her, with a particularly talented tongue.

      It was a bit embarassing, actually, as not many people turned up, so the few of us remaining downstairs had to make slightly stilted conversation over the shrieks, gasps and pounding noises. But it was nice to see her again.

      Best wishes


  2. My wife just calls all of them “creepy-crawlies”, with no distinction.

    At least, I think she is referring to them.

    Mr Mouse

    1. Perhaps you could suggest she gets the pest-removers in, Mr M? Women shouldn’t have to live in houses infested with nasty, creepy scuttling vermin. No offence.

      Best wishes


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