The only way is her way

Like ordinary wedding anniversaries, divorce-iversaries have materials associated with them. Appropriately enough, given his situation, this one is concrete – and the next is steel.
Oh yes… sweaty foot-dirt. That must taste just… awful.
Some men behave as if they’re losing their manhood when they go bald, which is just silly. Losing your manhood feels quite different.

Note to non-British readers. ‘Slaphead’ is a word for a bald person that is normally considered derogatory and insulting. However, since almost all bald people are male, there is no reason not to use it freely.

Actually, one of my wife’s regular bulls is vegan. Says it helps him with strength and stamina and he certainly seems to have a lot of both.
It’s a once in a lifetime experience, I’ve heard.
I think if Rachel were my teacher I’d get all the sums wrong, all the time. Goodness, she’d be cross.

Note to non-British readers: Goddess.

8 thoughts on “The only way is her way”

  1. Me and Max and my sister Rachel, and her husband Steve, were having a nice mid-day meal at a fancy Italian restaurant. It specialises, as so many do now, in sissy menus. It even had a sissy creche, for when the little babes get fractious or need some ‘time out’. Us four are regular customers, because the food is so good.

    I had warned Max to be on his best behaviour, to call Steve ‘sir’ or ‘master’. as he is a free man and not a sissy at all.

    Me and Rachel are very close and we chatted about family and work dramas and politics.

    Max is restricted to talk about family and children and kids TV shows and Netball and women’s football, in fact any women’s sport. He can also talk about housework tips and make up and hair fashions.

    Steve is an Engineer and earns big money. His interests are Rachel, his family, his kids, engineering, cars, football, rugby, cricket and Trump politics.

    Not much meeting of minds.

    ”I am sorry, Steve, but Max has been so excited about the new line up for the Leeds Rhinos for 2025. He is so silly.”

    ”That’s OK, I didn’t know you let him watch netball on the TV.”

    ”Max, please be quiet for a while, you don’t want to bore the pants off dear Steve, do you? He is allowed to watch if it is a big match and he has finished his chores.”

    Max: ”I am sorry, Master, for annoying you.”

    Zoe: ”Why don’t you go to the creche for some ‘time out’ sweetie? Then the grown ups can chat, OK? Good boy.”

    Rachel: ”He is such a sweetie, Zoe. Look at him going to the creche all eagerly, in his tartan skirt and all.”

    Zoe: ”Yes, he loves the pink toys, especially the Wendy house. Now what do you think of Kamala Harris, Steve? Do you think she may win against ‘the Donald’?”

    Steve: ”She may do well, but I think Trump is so popular among the workers.”

    We talked about politics and about our families.

    Rachel and I chatted as Steve went outside to have a vape.

    ”Will Max be punished for tonight’s little silliness?”

    ”No, I will give him a stern lecture, probably give him some lines about being a good sissy around free men. I don’t think he needs a severe punishment.”

    ”Can you get him to write an apology to Steve? That would be so funny.”

    ”Yes, on his ‘Miss Kitty’ stationery set, you are wicked.”

    Steve came back in and I went to fetch Max from the creche.

    ”Good sissy, go and wait by the car whilst we finish up and pay for the check, honey.”

    One of the young Creche Assistants told me what a good bot Max was, I was so proud.

    Such a good sissy!


    1. I can only hope it was the women’s Leeds Rhinos team that Max wanted to watch, Ms Zoe. Watching men’s sports is a little like watching a group of wild animlas fighting, in that it’s just mindless beasts struggling for… sorry, what am I saying, it’s not ‘a little like’ that, it’s exactly the same thing.

      Best wishes


  2. The very next day my darling sissy slave husband, Max, is sitting at the kitchen island writing an apology letter on his ‘Miss Kitty’ notepaper to Steve.

    He had three attempts, and for each mistake he made he will receive three strokes of the cane, later.

    His first mistake was not calling Steve, ‘Master’, the second mistake was he made some grammar ans spelling mistakes and the third mistake was he didn’t start to write his 200 lines on a fresh piece of paper. He just continued after his letter.

    Max’s letter, which I gave Steve later that week:

    Dear Master Steve,

    I am your humble inferior and I apologise most profusely for my unforgivable behaviour at the ‘Lake Garda Restaurant’ yesterday.

    I should have asked you what you wanted to talk about and not interrupt with my inferior speech. I should have sat and listened to your wise words, your very funny jokes and any advice you thought it necessary to give me.

    I know I a an inferior sissy and not a real man. My sissy ways amuse you, which is only right, and my baby ways make you despise me, which is also only right.

    I was allowed to have fun in the sissy creche and that calmed me and made me realise I needed to say sorry, Master.

    Master Steve, please forgive me.

    I attach 200 lines of apology.

    Yours in humble sissy adoration


    My 200 lines, Master:

    I am a sissy and not a man, I adore you Master Steve.
    I am a sissy and not a man, I adore you Master Steve

    X times 200.

    Thank you Master.



    1. Ah… writing lines as punishment. I remember sitting on a hard wooden stoool, hand aching as I copied out time after time a stern reminder of the importance of doing my homework to the required standard, gazingly longingly out at one of the last fine days of summer and wishing I was outside enjoying it. But then that was only last week, so the memory’s fresh.

      Best wishes


  3. Sr. Servitor
    Why do I have such an insatiable appetite to be tortured by women?
    Your suffering amigo

    1. Hard to say, Sr. Alberto. Excessive appetite can be the result of many things and a commercial appetite surpressant can have side effects. I would suggest a natural, healthy way of controlling your appetite, such as getting someone to lock you in a cage and ignore you while she goes about her day, for instance.

      Best wishes


  4. It’s rude to talk with your mouth full. He will be in trouble when she gets out of that bath,,,


    1. True. But at least he’ll have lovely lavender-fresh breath. And there’s an old bath brush her mother gave her… the bristles have long since fallen off but it still works just fine.

      Best wishes


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