Cruel summer (6)

Servitor here, quickly logging on (taking a well-earned but not well-regarded break from all those holiday activities – washing bikinis, washing everyone’s feet at the beach shower, clearing up all the empty beer bottles when the guys are in bed with my SO… all that kind of thing). Anyway, just to say that I see some posts are going up late and out of order – this is the ‘known’ missed scheduler problem with WordPress apparently. Anyway, if one post seems to be missing don’t worry: I’ll get it up eventually, as I said on our wedding night. But this time it’s true. No time to respond to the comments – apparently the queue for the ladies’ beach loo is getting long and my SO has offered my services to help out, so I’d better go. But I will, in due course. Right, time for some ‘special’ holiday cocktails…

2 thoughts on “Cruel summer (6)”

  1. Special cocktails with a reconstituted cherry.

    What could be nicer?

    Have a lovely time.


    1. Thank you, Nonny.

      I did have a lovely time, but I did have a few stomach upsets, as I find is often the case when I travel, probably because she doesn’t really trust those foreign loos.

      Best wishes


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