Last in the series, with a few extras. Back to abnormal service tomorrow, with a silly Sunday story about a Victorian governess.
It might take a day or two before I get a chance to reply to all the comments. You know how it is when you’re just back from holiday: so many chores to do around the house, so many apologies to be properly made, so much cage time because haven’t I just had a lovely holiday for goodness’ sake, and won’t it do me good to spend a little time locked away in the cellar, counting my blessings? But reply I shall, Goddess willing and permitting.

Perhaps she just needs to turn him off and then turn him on again?
Although the first may be difficult as long as she is wearing those beautiful shoes.
Mr M
PS Welcome home Servitor. I hope you had a wonderful time and that the weals are healing nicely. I admit I don’t envy you the enormous pile of lotion-infused laundry and ironing.
Still, everything has a price. On that subject, I hear livers are the most valuable at the moment. Hannibal Lecter and Masterchef have a lot to answer for there.
A very good idea, Mr M. And if that doesn’t work, it could be she needs to plug him in using a higher voltage transformer. Frankly, though, once they start malfunctioning too often, it’s often best just to trade them in for a newer model.
Thank you for the magnificent effort keeping the comments section going during the lot hot summer. Am I right in thinking you commented on every post? Goodness, you need to get a life and spend a bit less time wanking on the Internet, but I’m in no position to criticise and I am impressed and grateful.
All the very best
Yes, you are correct. You seem to have become a part of my daily routine. I retired this summer and so have a little more “me” time (and a lot more “Her” time).
I enjoy reading your work early in the morning and then ruminating (definitely not masturbating Mistress – a pre-audit “just in case”) as I go through my daily chores, before leaving a tiny contribution.
There is little of wit and intelligence on the internet in this rarified sector, and you are to be cherished and appreciated, even (especially) in your absence.
Thank you for your service, as our transatlantic friends would have it.
Mr M
Ah, the old ‘I have to look at porn on the Internet as a pre-audit’ routine. Just in case what, anyway?
But your witty and intelligent comments are much appreciated. As for my service, it requires no thanks – the clue is in the name.
Best wishes
Caption 3: A nice glimpse into the future of couples therapy in the new matriarchy. She has a high success rate with sorting out disobedient males. Those that can’t quite get a grip will be dragged off to a “reform camp for offensively unsubmissive males”.
And trust me, the sissy moans, the commanding, strong voices of the ladies running it, the wet thumping, slap sounds, squeaky bed springs echoing its halls is not something you want to be a recipient of. Better off just obeying your wife, and accepting her discipline.
Indeed, Squaw, indeed. A grip will eventually be got, one way or the other. It can be done the hard way, or the really agonisingly hard way, but it will be done.
Best wishes
I was recently asked to attend a meeting of a local ‘men’s group.’ Some people call it a ‘men’s lib group’, but I think that would glorify it somewhat.
For many years it has run as a meeting place, where little sissy slaves can talk about ‘feelings’ and gain practical information about cleaning products and foot worship.
Max, my sissy slave husband, has attended regularly, but of late I have noticed a certain tendency for him to speak admiringly of some speakers.
The last straw when the recent election took place in the UK and Max asked if he could vote. Can you imagine?
He knows full well that voting is forbidden for males in our tradition. As are males having opinions, or having access to money.
I attended with some other wives and we went round the tables to see what was being done. There were three tables, with eight sissies at each.
At the first table, they were discussing disciplinary punishments and comparing notes. Most seemed to be caned regularly by wives and daughters. When we were listening they appreciated the time it took for their superiors to administer discipline. One chap admired his young daughter’s expertise with the short handled whip.
At the second table, they were talking about cooking Indian food and comparing recipes. One of the wives is from Mumbai, and she gave some tips about the use of spices and peppers.
Max was at the third table, and they were talking about the US election and the merits of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. I was surprised that they took the risk of us hearing such talk. They all know they cannot vote or have unauthorised opinions.
I thought they were sweet, though. As men they are so weak but as sissies quite grown up, in a way. I love to hear sissy boys talk as if they know anything, hilarious.
All very civilised.
We three wives chatted later in the week and decided to drop in without warning in the next three weeks.
An element of surprise may raise some different concerns.
Servitor: we all missed you, hope you had a nice holiday. I am sure your significant other was well served by you.
Many thanks, Ms Zoe, I did my best and I believe the service may have approached adequacy on one or two occasions, although I don’t like (and am not allowed) to boast.
I really can’t see describing a men’s group as a ‘men’s lib group’ as glorification. I mean, it’s such nonsense, isn’t it? What rights do they want, that they don’t have? I mean, I only have to ask and my SO will consider any reasonable request I make and respond appropriately, in my best interests.
And what do they talk about the whole time? ‘Men should be equal to women’? But we know they’re not, you just have to meet a few men and women to understand that, so why waste time talking about it, when they could be swapping ironing techniques? I’ll never understand it.
Best wishes
I know, right?
It’s like they had no better things to do, OK?
I think it s sweet that they have a space to talk about their feelings when they are corrected, or how much they love, worship and adore their wives and girlfriends, mothers and daughters, sisters and female colleagues.
Max is not allowed to talk about the meetings without the context of a cane in my hand. If he crosses a line or asks for some more ”freedom” he is quickly corrected.
What more ‘freedom’ could he possibly want?
He is perfectly free to obey me, to worship me and adore me.
He has permission for that.