6 thoughts on “Cruel summer (13)”

  1. What’s a “first date”?

    I was more initially employed domestically and then married for convenience.

    Mr M

    1. Oh, then you haven’t lived, Mr M. Time to take advice from a man of the world here: I went on several first dates, before settling uncomfortably into my current life of married bliss.

      So I know all about them… second dates, now that, I’ll confess, is something I’ve never had the opportunity to try.

      Best wishes


  2. I hate when he gets here using a taxi, i mean why should i clean his car if he doesn’t drive it? And why should i pay him back out of my pocket money? His taxi ride is like 2 weeks of pocket money for me, and he always braggs about how richer he is than me, how bigger his cock is, how stronger he is, but i still have to pay his taxi.

    I think one day i will refuse, i mean what can he do? He never lets me cum and he already hits me from time to time without reason to bully me in front of my wife, so what can he do then? Oh yes, maybe he can hit me harder. I guess i will keep paying then.

    1. You seem thoroughly confused about many things, Anon (if I can call you that), so a good slapping will probably do you nothing but good. But in a hapless, scatterbrained beta-male fashion, it looks like you did manage somehow to grope your way to the right conclusion in the end so maybe there’s hope!

      Thanks for the comment, best wishes


  3. I hope detective sergeant Riley offers him the option to volunteer for punishment after the op, for all the suspender-snapping and other minor offenses he’ll have to commit.

    If she doesn’t, he might be plagued with post-traumatic guilt syndrome!

    1. Yes, that makes sense, Nutta. Fortunately, she’s good at dealing with feelings of male guilt. In any event, the ‘authorisation’ to commit minor sexism offences shouldn’t be interpreted in a linear, over-restrictive male fashion. That’s the problem with male brains (well… one of the problems), we can’t appreciate the subtle flexibility of female-imposed rules.

      Best wishes


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