4 thoughts on “Cruel summer (10)”

  1. Queens are definitely higher.


    Mr Mouse

    PS If a reply falls on a web page and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?

    1. Queens are highest of all and notably higher than pawns (everyone not a queen being a pawn, obviously).

      Your last question seems rather philosophical, rather like the one about one hand clapping (which I can tell you does make a noise and can be bloody painful). If a thousand lines are written and she rips them up without looking, does that still make a difference to my behaviour? If a floor is scrubbed for hours and then a bunch of guys with muddy feet charge across it on the way up to my wife’s bedroom, do I need to be punished for leaving it so muddy? If a penis is locked up for months and forgotten, does anyone who matters actually care?

      Deep questions, for a mouse or a man, both of whom are creatures not known for their thinking skills, so probably best left to our betters.

      Best wishes


  2. 1st cap: That has to be the most dreadful ride home ever. Knowing your ass is about to get beat hard with the sledge hammer force of her open palm contacting your exposed cheeks. She warned him about misbehaving at school, and underperforming. She pays for his education, so he BETTER put in an effort.

    1. One of those long, painful silences, Squaw, to be followed by one of those long, painful shouty pleady sessions.

      Best wishes


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