Tortuous logic

She wants to feel your pain.
The stepdaughter – new stepdad relationship can be difficult at first, but it looks like she’s adjusting well.
I experience a lot of loving discipline in my relationship – in fact, I think I’m very lucky still to experience such intensity of love so very frequently, after all these years of married bliss.
Don’t worry, she’ll be very professional. Brutal but professional.
Oooh… I’ve got a pleated grey skirt too! I don’t wear it very often but the occasions when I do are very special to me. I have a blouse, socks, tie, blazer and satchel to complete the ensemble.
She lives on the cleanest street in Poznan.

14 thoughts on “Tortuous logic”

  1. Me too Servitor. Though mine is a traditional tunic, with a crisp white blouse underneath and a school tie. I’m told it looks lovely with my black patent leather Mary Janes.

    I’m not so certain though. On the occasions Mistress has had me wear it in front of some of her friends who “know” I’m fairly sure I have heard some quiet tittering as I have left the room, despite my trying to ensure my regulation (and hardly interesting) knickers are not on display.

    Nowt so strange as folk, as my father-in-law used to say in similar circumstances.


    Mr Mouse

  2. ”Good morning Mr Nodik. Please sit down. My PA, Emily will take notes and this meeting will be recorded, OK?”

    ”Yes, Miss Zoe. What is this all about? Have I done something wrong? I have been with this company for…”

    Emily: ”Shut up! You speak when we allow it, understand?”

    ”Yes, goddess.”

    Zoe: ”It has come to my attention that you refused a direct order from a young senior female lawyer here at the office, and you gave her back chat. You were very rude, Mr Nodik.”

    ”No, ma’am. I am never rude. Are you talking about Jenny?”

    Emily: ”Her name is Miss Thomas, you don’t get to call a woman by her first name. Tell us what happened on Wednesday when Miss Thomas told you to fetch a coffee and croissant from the canteen.”

    ”Well, goddess, I was very busy finishing a financial statement at my desk. Jenny….I mean Miss Thomas came by and told me to get her coffee, and the refreshment orders from all the women in the team. Miss Thomas is my senior, even though she is 19 years old and I am fifty two.”

    Zoe: ”Stop there, My Nodik. What has your age got to do with who is your senior? A male cannot be senior to a female, can they?”

    ”No ma’am, of course not, ma’am.”

    Zoe: ”So what happened after she gave you her instructions?”

    ”I was under pressure from Mrs White to finish the statement, I informed Miss Thomas of this who became angry, ma’am. I said I could do it when I saw Mrs White.”

    Emily: ”So, let us be clear. You had a direct instruction from a senior lawyer, you tried to explain that you were busy and then very rudely told her when it would be convenient for you to obey. Is that right Mr Nodik?”

    ”Well, I wouldn’t put it like that, ma’am. I didn’t refuse to obey, I told Miss Thomas I needed to finish the work for Mrs White first.”

    Zoe: ”OK, Mr Nodik. Did you get the refreshments for the team?”

    ”No, ma’am. When Miss Thomas got angry I started to cry. She told me to go to the toilet and fix my make up. She then told my colleague, Mr Witan to fetch the refreshments, ma’am.”

    Emily: ”Miss Thomas made a formal complaint that you were disobedient and rude to her. This is unacceptable. You may go, we will let you know what we decide is to be your punishment, Mr Nodik. OK?”

    ”Thank you ma’am. May I say something?”

    Zoe: ”No!”

    Emily: ”No!”

    Mr James Nodik was give twelve strokes of the cane and he wrote one thousand lines of apology to Miss Thomas.

    It is important in the workplace that inferior males, like James Nodik know their place, are obedient and compliant and go get the damn refreshments when told to.

    I spoke to Mrs White and told her the story. She was not sympathetic. She said, ”he could have informed me of the job he needed to do for Jenny. I would have understood, the financial report was completed by Amanda, a fine young accountant, his contribution was minimal and fairly insignificant. Stupid man! ”


    1. Mr Nodik sounds like a bit of a nudnik, but it all worked out well in the end. If you can’t get justice from a firm of female-supremacist lawyers, where can you, I’d like to know?

      Best wishes


  3. Loving discipline: wearing male tubes (what she calls cock cages), whippings, obedience, absolute servitude to women, and worshiping the female at all times. Men proudly show their devotion for all to see, with their visible beatings marks showing while she happily displays the key around her neck.
    Gynarchy paradise !

  4. She obviously has the UberSissy app. That’s the one where the slave pays Uber each time they are summoned to a booking.

  5. I was walking in my High School. I was happy. I was going to the gym to practice my High Bar exercises. A male sissy teacher, Mr Twink, was following and carrying my bags for me.

    ”Don’t dawdle, Mr Twink. Keep up with me. Good boy.”

    ”But Miss Zoe, I need to go to my first class. I am teaching Year 4 Gynarchy Economics.”

    I carried on walking. We got to the gym and Mr Twink put my bags down as I started to change.

    ”What are you waiting for, get my gym kit out. I want to change into it. Hang this skirt up nicely and my blouse. Don’t look at my boobs, stinky man.”

    I did one hour on the beam under the gym teacher, Miss Naomi Beech. She is an excellent tutor. I learnt so much.

    ”Good girl, Zoe. Go and get a shower now, it is break time. Do you need a sissy slave to carry your bags, honey?”

    ”No, it’s OK Miss Beech. My bags are not heavy. I have my books for Physics in my locker. Thanks.”

    I had some coffee on my break, with my girlfriends. They are a great bunch of friends, I love them all.

    I heard that Mr Twink got in trouble for being late and the Deputy Head, Mrs Black, asks me about it as he says I made him late as I told him to carry my gym bag.

    ”I did get him to carry my bags, but there was plenty of time for him to get to his class. He only carried them down the corridor.”

    ”OK, he must have just been slow in walking. The parents of some of the girls in his class complained that he wasn’t in class on time.”

    ”Is he blaming me, Mrs Black?”

    ”Yes, Zoe. He says you bullied him.”

    I didn’t bully him. It is the job of the male teachers to carry bags for the girls, to carry out errands, to be useful. I admit he was late because I insisted he help with my change of clothes, but he is there to do that stuff.

    ”Did you bully him, Zoe? Be honest, you are not in trouble.”

    ”I insisted he help. I didn’t notice the time, I guess he was late because he did my bidding. He is there for that, right? I am sorry the girls were inconvenienced, but he was wrong to blame me.”

    ”He will be caned for that, Zoe. Do you want any other punishment for him, he is sorry?”

    ”Let me think. One hundred lines ‘I must not blame a superior for my wrongdoing, I am sorry Miss Zoe’. OK, Mrs Black?”

    These male teachers get above themselves sometimes, don’t you agree?


      1. I think everyone who reads the blog ought to know, as it’s a major theme. Still, there are always some slow learners.

        Best wishes


    1. I expect you’re not the first to have done an hour on the beam under the excellent Ms Beech, Ms Zoe.

      You might want to suggest to the school that they set up a bullying hotline, by the way. They send a bully within 90 seconds of receiving a call, I understand.

      Best wishes


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