“… he had not foreseen rose with such force within him that his whole body shook and for a long time prevented him from speaking. Falling on his knees by her bed. He held his wife’s hand to his lips and kissed it, and her hand responded to his kisses with weak movement of her finger.”*
More femdom from a less gentle but more genteel age. I know this series won’t appeal to a lot of the male readers of this blog, as there isn’t a lot of female flesh on display and the captions have a lot of words, some of them quite long and difficult.** And if I cared what they think, I suppose I would do something about that.

* Not Austen, Tolstoy. But fortunately, I have a tag for that already.
** Pro-tip: try moving your lips quietly when you read. Women won’t mind if they see you doing it; they all know we males are morons. Counting on your fingers can help when there are hard maths sums to solve, too.
*** That one is Austen.
Since you’re all the way down here, reading the footnotes, you’ve obviously got nothing better to do with your time (still locked up, are we? awww, never mind…) so here’s a trivia question for you: what links caption 2 and caption 5 – and also (unintentionally on my part) the text but not the image in caption 6? Hmm?
Here Kitty Kitty….
Mr Mouse
Kitty is a sweet and good-natured creature, but has been known to scratch when provoked.
Best wishes
Caption 2: In hindsight, at least her sisters didn’t have to worry about putting in this much effort to bring their males to heel. Worshipping and grovelling comes natural to them.
Yes, but some males need to be told twice before they really get the message. Mrs Musk really made the effort and we should thank her properly for it.
Best wishes
Proper British upbringing of males, more subtle, don’t you know.
Quite so. With lots of truly British understatement. “Oh dear, Richard, how very tiresome. You know, I’m quite inclined to give you a quick beating and I’m afraid I might have to lay it on so it hurts a bit this time.”
Best wishes