Stories and pictures themed around female domination and male subjugation and servitude. Unsuitable for children, for alpha males, for hard-core practitioners with an interest in the politics of bdsm and the mechanics of complicated rope work. Of interest to perverts like me, basically.
Stinging rejoinders
Let her enjoy the moment, can’t you? For as long as it lasts.
I think a nun could be perfect and still not free from sin. Miss Kenworthy here is – quite literally – a perfect example.
Less is more, they say. And it’s better to give than receive, which I’ve certainly found to be true in my marriage.
Even without direct knowledge, obviously she does know in general terms how painful it is. She’s very knowledgable on that sort of thing.
Did you know that ‘eunuch’ gets no search hits on your site? So you have never had that word in article text, in the title of an article or in the title of a caption. I thought that was neat.
Speaking of eunuchs… sorry, but I can’t grasp that removing the two small glands from between a man’s legs means he is no longer a ‘biological man’.
I suppose I could make more use of the word ‘eunuchs’. But maybe using a special word makes it all sound more special than it ought to be, you know? We don’t have a particular word for someone who’s had their appendix out, after all.
I suppose trying to hitch-hike back to London wearing a big squishy and increasing smelly nappy would indeed test the charity of one’s fellow humans. My sense is that they would drive on by, but maybe I’d be pleasantly surprised. Worth a try, surely.
Men tremble at the mention of her name.
Like the heroine of Sacher-Masoch’s Venus in Furs: Wanda. Now there’s a name to conjure with (bad pun copyright T. Cooper).
I fully realise no one who is neither British nor under 50 will get this joke and it’s just not something that worries me.
Good to hear from you, Alberto.
Best wishes
Did you know that ‘eunuch’ gets no search hits on your site? So you have never had that word in article text, in the title of an article or in the title of a caption. I thought that was neat.
Speaking of eunuchs… sorry, but I can’t grasp that removing the two small glands from between a man’s legs means he is no longer a ‘biological man’.
‘Biological male’, I mean.
Or ‘bollocks’ as we awy in Britain.
I suppose I could make more use of the word ‘eunuchs’. But maybe using a special word makes it all sound more special than it ought to be, you know? We don’t have a particular word for someone who’s had their appendix out, after all.
Best wishes
Why buy him a bus ticket?
Travel challenges can be fun, for boys
I suppose trying to hitch-hike back to London wearing a big squishy and increasing smelly nappy would indeed test the charity of one’s fellow humans. My sense is that they would drive on by, but maybe I’d be pleasantly surprised. Worth a try, surely.
Best wishes
Some lesbians couples want to make their very own eunuch, I mean ball-less biological male, who will be a live-in helper.
Or even if they don’t want the help, they might still want to try, just for the sheer joy of it.
Best wishes
Caption 5 reminds me of my bf old porn magazines
Seems your BF was very much into obeying women without resistance.
Probably because it’s from Cruella. Magnificent stuff.
Best wishes
Unbelievably beautiful women! Those were the days my friend, when we learned that we were slaves to our balls.
And yet we remain slaves without them, Alberto. That’ll be one of those… what do you call them… paradoxes.
Best wishes
“And then, when you have had a look, you can open your present.
Yes, it’s an earrings box, clever girl..
Well, I know they are completely different sizes sweetheart, they are organic.”
Mr M
With a matching gift of an unpaid household servant, Mr M. The gift for the girl who has everything but wants a whole lot more.
Best wishes