2 thoughts on “Hooray hooray (3)”

  1. ”Good evening and welcome to Gynarchy Television. Tonight we have a short film about the best way to cane a naughty slave, a pop band from the UK who are a big hit with pre-teen girls and the long awaited interview with Zoe Sullivan about her life with her sissy slave husband, Max.”

    ”Did you enjoy the band, ‘Popsicles’, Zoe?”

    ”I did, the second song was so moving, I loved it.”

    ”Is Max allowed to watch Gynarchy TV?”

    ”Max isn’t allowed to watch any TV on his own, but I sometimes let him join me to watch a ‘soap’ or something on fashion. He does like K-pop, he is a fan club member of a few celebrities. It helps him keep up to date with female fashion and concerns.”

    ”Do you let him watch ‘man stuff’, like sports or outdoor pursuits?”

    ”He is not interested in that stuff. Rugby is too rough, football is too fast, golf takes all day. He would much rather do his embroidery or watch Netball. He is a big fan of ‘Manchester Thunder’ and absolutely loves Imogen Allison. He has a poster of the team somewhere, I don’t know where.”

    ”Did you let him watch the Netball World Cup this year?”

    ”No, he was too busy. I don’t approve of treats like that. It gives him the wrong idea. My sister did take him to a match in Manchester when I was in New York earlier this year.”

    ”How does Max support you in your work as a Lawyer?”

    ”The job my husband has is to be obedient, to do his chores diligently, to accept punishment, to be feminine, to be happy and cheerful and to take all the home pressures off my shoulders.”

    ”I understand your PA, Emily Banks, helps in this. Can you give an example?”

    ”Sure. Well, last month the washing machine broke down. It was full of washing at the time and Max was in a panic. He is not allowed to call a ‘engineer’ or spend any money without permission, so he rang Emily and asked for advice. She dealt with it without bothering me.”

    ”What did she do?”

    ”She rang an approved engineer that I have contract with and she came out and was able to repair the washing machine. Poor Max was in tears, because he didn’t know what to do. The engineer comforted him and told him it was all OK now.”

    ”Did he do the right thing?”

    ”Absolutely, he did. Emily sent me an email outlining what had happened and that all was well. She emphasized what a good boy Max was.”

    ”Is it important that you are actually married to Max? You could have a slave who you just owned. Why marriage?”

    ”It is because I love Max, very much, and I wanted us to make a lifelong commitment to each other.”

    ”Well, thanks for chatting to us Zoe, what are you doing this week?”

    ”It is Max’s birthday on Tuesday next week, so he will be caned and given a small cake to celebrate.”

    ”Good night, everyone. See you next week on Gynarchy TV.


  2. Gynarchy TV is great. I was especially pleased to see they’ve got into the cookery competition genre, but with stricter judging of the males’ culinary efforts by the panel. I’d been really rooting for Ben, in the latest series, so when his puff pastry failed to rise properly in last night’s episode, it was almost as if I felt every one of his cane strokes myself.

    I was a bit baffled by ‘Cornertime’ on the men’s channel, though. That just seemed to consist of a three-hour long shot of the corner of a room with the sound of a clock ticking loudly and slowly. I mean, who’d want to watch that?

    Best wishes


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