They always make sure that their New Year resolutions are kept.
It’s odd, because generally she prefers to be asked for her approval for everything I do.
Now this one’s just putting on a show of indifference to suit the ‘callous uncaring domme’ persona. Inside, she’s a swirling mess of worry that licking up cow shit might make you horribly ill, but she is concealing it – true professional that she is.
She does teasing and denial play too. That’s when you pay her and fuck off, frustrated and lonely. It’s only very subtly different from the findomme variant, to be honest.
Happiest day of your life, boy. Remember that.
Looks like she has stuff lying around the house she doesn’t need or want any more. Many people do, at this time of year. Best to just take the bold decision to throw it out, rather than leave it cluttering the place up. She won’t regret it.