Brutal persuasion


“Do you still need the ring gag?” is one of those questions that’s often quite hard to answer coherently.


You’ll probably feel more comfortable doing what you’re told, too.  Or experience discomfort if you don’t – which is basically the same thing.





He used to think size doesn’t matter.  He’s learning that it does.


 Mistress Eleise de Lacy, there.  Speaking, as we were, of feeling weak in the knees…




There’ll be thin lines in lots of places quite soon.  Cris-crossing, some of them, and that can be agony.

I’m not a very spiritual person, myself, but my guess is that she will.

Youngers and betters


Memo to self: stop using the phrase “there’s nothing worse than X” in front of SO.  She takes it as a personal challenge.

You’ll soon discover that a day with no whipping at all is a special day. Very special.





Don’t worry, they’re not having you castrated and lobotomised until after the marriage.  Just after: between the ceremony and the reception.  You can think of it as your wedding gift to them.






Poor old Simon – doesn’t get to see the sexy lingerie!  And to think she was worried you might be jealous of him.

Appendectomy: of course.  After all, that nurse would hardly have shaved his groin area this morning if it was his throat that was being operated on, now would she?  


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