
So… about a month ago I posted a video of the divine Anne being interviewed by a distinctly ‘forward’ young man and quite rightly chiding him on it.  Alas, no footage exists of the blistering and thoroughly-deserved spanking that undoubtedly followed, and clever Anne attempts a little misdirection at the end of the video, by pretending she is not really cross.*
Oh go on, then: here it is again.
Anyway, Anne’s mocking, sweetly menacing ‘What a forward young man you are!’ has stayed with me and I seem to hear it everywhere.  So I decided you might as well see it everywhere too.  Perhaps this will be the only caption I write from now on, it certainly works for me.  It’s the only caption you’re getting today anyway.  Sorry.


And of course…


* She was cross.  But she’s a great actress, so it doesn’t show.  Now this (bonus image) is what Anne looks like when she’s cross. Isn’t she wonderful? Honestly, if you lived with her wouldn’t you want her to be at least a little bit cross with you every single day of your life?
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