Minds immeasurably superior to ours

And slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us. A beautiful but somehow… disturbing sight. *

More science fiction.

(More in this series here and here)

* Yes, yes, I know I’ve quoted War of the Worlds before in the title of one of these. But not the Jeff Wayne version, right? Wee-oo, wye-oh, we-UHHH!

His purpose in life

Yeah, she’s very generous with her slaves’ time. Well, there’s plenty and it’s not like she needs or wants it all.
Wow – it doesn’t get better for a submissive than that! Well… maybe just a little better.
I once told a domme in session I was too cold and she promised to warm me up with her paddle, but after that I was still cold – just in pain, too. Of course, I didn’t tell her, after she’d been so thoughtful.
They’ll expect a tip of course.
The ‘sadistic dentist’ trope is so annoying to the profession. A survey found that only 42% of female dentists gained sexual pleasure from inflicting intense pain, which is actually slightly below the percentage in the general female population. And of those, no more than a third said they fantasised about having a man helpless in their chair and drilling for fun. So the next time you’re visitng for a routine check-up just try to remember that and relax, OK?
Kitten wouldn’t mind giving a pay piggie like you a blow job but she’s read up on it and apparently that’s only for sugar daddies and she does so want to do this right.

You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy

John Calvin said that, kinky little slut that he was.

Scurry scurry….
I hope that isn’t real fur. It’s cruel, you know.
Oh, I hate sissy play-dates, don’t you? Sometimes I’d rather just be left at home, chained up on the back porch. But my preferences don’t enter into it.
I don’t see what isn’t sexy about any of that.
He should take her seriously. Very, very seriously.
You could ask. What’s the worst that can happen?

Still in beta

Just a silly thing. See this too, if you like this sort of nonsense (and haven’t used up all the computer time she allows you).

Dungeon Creep 2 Early Access – Patch Notes for V0.8 update.


  • Game set-up now includes ‘Forced Bi’ options:OFF, MILD or ON. Affects gameplay in minor ways throughout but Missions “Boris” and “Hanging out with the boyfriends” are unavailable if Forced Bi is OFF and Missions “Drinks with the rugby team” and “Bring out the gimp” unavailable if set to OFF or MILD. Four new NPCs will be available as lesbian girlfriends to Mistresses if Forced Bi is set to OFF: Kitten, Lucy, Treasure and Brenda.
  • Real-time detentions. If this option is selected, detention, corner time and line-writing activities must be completed in a single sitting. Lines must be written continuously and during any corner time, sitting at desk with hands on hand and similar immobilisation, Player will be required occasionally to respond to required key-presses to confirm his presence. After an initial warning, a failed detention / line-writing task will reset and the game will not proceed until it is completed. This option may not be turned off during an uncompleted task.
  • Slaves may now be marked with tattoos (5 – 15 pain) or branding (70 – 90 pain). Marks may strengthen ownership bonds with Mistresses or simply confer humiliation (+10 to +20, permanent).
  • Mistress’s armpits are now playable body parts and can be shaved, kissed and licked. Mistresses can use armpits to carry out the Smothering action, similar to hands, and armpits may be Sweaty. Selecting ‘Armpits’ as a player fetish in the character selection phase confers triple Arousal for all armpit-related tasks and increases Ridicule from all NPCs.


  • New area: Forest walk, featuring an extended pony track with hills (minimum 70 stamina recommended), mud puddles and paintball arena (see Missions, below).
  • New Area: Garbage Bins. Used in Daily Cleaning Tasks and Missions Obedience Training with Mistress Rita and Extreme Slave Feeding. Garbage bins require Cleaning, contents can be carried and slaves can be locked into bins. Note that garbage bins are among the places a discarded Chastity Key may be found.
  • New layout: floor grill in Main House Level 0 now allows feeding, pissing and mocking actions to be performed down onto slaves in cells 4 – 8 in Dungeon Level -1.
  • Three new bedrooms (Red Room, Spider’s Web and Cucky Corner) in Main House.
  • Increased the number of wall intersections that are classified as Punishment Corners.


  • New Mission (Level 5): Muddy Footprints. During an ordinary floor-scrubbing task, player notices a trail of muddy footprints. The player must identify and track down the Mistress with muddy boots and persuade her to allow him to clean them, all the while cleaning the floor to avoid increasing Displeasure in other Mistresses. On Hard / Impossible settings the mission will take place with hands tied behind player’s back.
  • New Mission (Level 8): Paintball. Mistresses may choose Paintball as a daytime or night-time activity after Level 7. Slaves run / hide in the outdoor paintball arena. Each paintball hit adds 5 pain (except Mistress Marissa who has a modified paintball gun inflicting 15). Three worst scoring slaves receive Punishment (60, 40 and 20, respectively). Note that being caught and immobilised with bondage, chains or cage does NOT prevent Mistresses continuing to shoot the player.

New skins / costumes / items

  • New player outfit: sissy maid frillies. An absurd pink, frou-frou confection entirely unsuited to serious housework. Confers +10 sexual excitement on the wearer but 20% higher chance of being judged improperly dressed, increasing Mistress Displeasure +30 – 60 (except Governess Tania, for whom it causes +80 Displeasure with certainty). Increases the chance that Mistresses (except Governess Tania) will assign lighter housework tasks.
  • Players attending the Schoolroom may now be dressed in girls’ school uniform instead of boys’: green knickers, knee socks, blouse, gymslip and tie. Additionally, hockey skirts will be worn for gym class. Confers increased humiliation and / or sexual excitement depending on player’s cross-dressing ability. Punishment will be earned for incorrect dress, including stains or rips inflicted by Bullies.
  • New chastity item: programmable zapper. Item combining the functions of remote control collar (upgradable) and chastity belt. Obedience +15 at all times when fitted and +20 Ownership bond with Mistress who owns the control. Note that if player is fitted with the remote control collar and programmable zapper, it is possible for him to be under the control of two Mistresses, possibly giving incompatible Commands. This is not a bug.
  • Clothing items worn next to skin may now contain inward-facing spikes (small, medium or large).
  • New flavours of dogfood (rabbit, turkey) and catfood (trout).
  • The following items are now considered food and may be consumed by slaves: pubic hair, toenail clippings, grass, gravel.
  • There are now several models of wooden stick, to make them harder to find when playing Fetch. Bringing Mistress the wrong stick will result in +20-60 Displeasure.


  • Fixed occasional issue with Mistresses setting punishment lines exceeding the length of the text input box.
  • Fixed bug causing Mistress Elektra’s panties always to have period stains.
  • Adjusted item positioning and collision detection in Forest area, to prevent occasional issues with sticks being unreachable during Fetch games.
  • Fixed issue with Mistress Rita continually demanding tea.
  • Fixed issue with certain kinds of Mistresses’ boots being considered ‘clothing’ for the purposes of laundry tasks. Boots placed in washing machines will now become ruined (+80 Displeasure).
  • Fixed exploit where players fitted with Kali’s teeth and similar spiked chastity belts could get sexually aroused without suffering Pain increment.
  • Fixed the ‘infinite enema’ issue in the Nusing Station, in which certain liquids would flow without cease, regardless of the size of the enema bag.
  • Fixed issue with highly sadistic Mistresses (sadism 60 or higher) not deriving sexual pleasure from inflicting cigarette burns.
  • Reduced Displeasure multiple for Mistress Marissa to avoid occasional loop in which the player is immobilised with no means of reducing her Displeasure below 100.
  • Fixed issue of ponyslaves occasionally remaining permanently hitched to a carriage for the remainder of the game.
  • Fixed exploit where kitchen slaves could add dogfood or catfood to meals prepared for Mistresses without penalty.
  • Boots now need to be polished with the right colour polish, to complete Task (use of the wrong colour will incur Displeasure).

Players should note that Mistresses in the game are intended to be unreasonable and unfair in their behaviour, so considerable frustration is to be expected in normal play. Several aspects of gameplay that have been reported as bugs are deliberate including: players not given the time to complete tasks to deadline, or being restrained in ways that prevent delivery, Mistresses requiring tasks done to an impossible standard or deadline, players being blamed for inevitable outcomes (such as bathwater cooling down below a Mistress’s required temperature range, or Mistresses judging the quality of boot-cleaning only after walking across a muddy field) and so on.


  • Improved textures for all types of leather, as well as various mud/spittle/semen staining effects during close-up bootlicking.
  • Improved reflections for latex, particularly after shining (may cause performance degradation in all but high-end systems).
  • Mistress jewellery (rings, bracelets, pendants and ear-rings) is now created as individual items, not merely modification of costumes.
  • Corner time now has unique textures for each corner, rather than generic walls.

Tweaks / rebalancing

  • Boot-licking now produces only 20% reduction in Mistress Displeasure, not 40%.
  • Player movement reduced by 20% per quart when retaining enemas.
  • Sexual Frustration can now increase without limit.
  • Slaves dangling on anal hooks may now be Faceslapped. Note that this removes an occasional problem in mission Show me How Sorry You Are, in which suspension on an anal hook prevented the player from Apologising sufficiently to Mistress Neeta, making it impossible to complete the mission.
  • Reduced detrimental effects of tight-laced corsets on player (Mistress corsets are purely decorative without equivalent effects).
  • Receiving strokes from a whip during Pony Racing now adds +30 Speed and raises Stamina limit +20 for 10 seconds.
  • Ashtray slaves may now be required to dispose of chewing gum or any item consumable by slaves.
  • Punishment lines now only use ordinary letters and punctuation, no symbols (Mistress Elektra still sets lines in Greek script).
  • Wearing a corset now diminishes Stamina by 10 – 40 points.
  • Ballbusting is now an Activity, not always a Punishment.
  • Displeasure reduction from Grovelling and other Pleading actions halved (Pleading penalty with Sadistic Mistresses is unchanged).
  • Obedience boost from electric shocks now double the Pain increase, for all shock collars and similar worn electric devices (unchanged for external implements such as cattle prods).
  • Movement penalty from wearing humbler decreased to -70%. All Tasks not requiring running can now be completed possible while wearing humblers, although not necessarily within the time allowed by task-setting Mistresses.
  • Pain increments from whipping rebalanced to decrease Pain from riding crops, increase pain from bullwhips, cat o’nine tails and single-tailed whips. Pain per stroke from Mistress Taylor’s monogrammed quirt reduced by 40% but whipping speed + 25%.
  • Mistresses will now come more frequently during lesbian sex.
  • Boots, shoes, socks and feet now acquire +5 Stinkiness from each 60 seconds kicking a slave.
  • All chastity durations increased by 20%.

Call for playtesters! FD Gaming is working on integrating Dungeon Creep 2 with the Safekeeper 9000 remote chastity device. We are looking to recruit beta-testers (in possession of a Safekeeper 9000 or prepared to purchase one) as we iron out the bugs in this exciting new development in DC2 gameplay. Please email us at the usual address to apply. Note that all beta-testers will be required to sign a waiver absolving FD Gaming from liability for any harm resulting from the testing.

The images accompanying this nonsense are of course from ‘Saints’ Row: Enter The Dominatrix’, which I am sure is very lovely but does tend to appear rather too often in my web searches for real world stuff. Personally, I prefer quieter games, like housework simulators and line-writing programmes.

Spoken for

She’s already apologised to her sister on your behalf, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be going round to her place to apologise directly, too – and offer to make amends, of course.
Must be terrifying being tiny. Good thing there are big strong girls like her around to look after you.
Fishers of men.
Understandable that he wants to make sure, given that the two of them will be working so closely together every day, but sometimes a candidate arrives at an interview and just makes such a strong impression from the start that you know she’s going to get the job.

That’s the divine Heather, being contemplated in the scene above.

Many people don’t realise that in English, like very gendered languages such as Japanese, there are words that women can use that men cannot. But there are.
Sometimes an unexpected, spur-of-the-moment session can be best. One time, for instance, I was walking home late at night and clumsily bumped into one of a group of girls. Given no time to apologise properly, I was beaten up, kicked repeatedly in the balls and face, robbed, spat on and left penniless lying in a side-alley. When you think of all the emails and careful arrangements you’d need to do that with a pro-domme….

Malign neglect

She’s not one of these ladies who objects to your having an opinion that’s different from hers – in fact, you can have any opinions you like, as far as she’s concerned.
Madame Samantha’s technique with a cordkscrew is legendary.
Oh dear, how embarassing.
Don’t worry: it’s a purely symbolic sacrifice the Goddess will demand of you. You won’t be deprived of anything important.
Which is fine, but did Trevor hear his wife call out for him to “just tidy this lot up, will you darling?” as she was carried into the bedroom? Better start wriggling.
Nothing ventured nothing win… faint heart never won fair mistress (or an unfair one).

So this is what makes life divine

Fairy tales… yes, more fairy tales. But there’s a theme today. See if you can guess what it is.

No prizes, of course, for spotting the theme (any who didn’t, please go and book a session with a suitably severe lady to be beaten for stupidity). All fairy tales should feature breathtakingly beautiful princesses, wicked queens, clever heroines and evil and sadistic villains – how much simpler the author’s task when all of those are combined in one, wonderful, elegant and… well, divine form.

Every man has a wild beast within him

But fortunately these days, more and more women are skilled in trapping and subduing these feral creatures and in the training techniques needed for domestication.

You might get a little embarassed asking the waitress – by kneeling before her with your paws up, panting wordlessly – but it’ll be worth it, you’ll see.
The problem with his company is that it wasn’t really listening enough to the equestrienne community. That won’t be a problem from now on, in fact these two ladies are planning to set up an advisory board to guide all future major – and minor – decisions.
George doesn’t do it for the applause, nor for the money – in fact he’s an unpaid volunteer. No: for George it’s best described as a labour of love and he really doesn’t need any public acknowledgement, not least because in his day job he’s a well-known lawyer.
Don’t push your luck, though. When she’s walked you home, wait patiently to see if she invites you in – and if instead she just unclips your leash and says goodnight, don’t try to change her mind.
What, you thought OWK ladies talk about nothing but whips and slavery?
Perhaps rebooting would help.

Don’t worry, she’s not going to hurt you

…without good reason.

Boundaries are important in a D/S relationship. For example, my SO sets rigid boundaries for what I am allowed to do, think or say and in return, she has agreed never to do anything to me that she doesn’t want to.
Sadly, it’s not anything healthy and natural, from Goddess Nature’s good brown mud. It’s something that some thoughtless boorish littering male discarded, without a thought as to the harm it might do to any poor dumb creature that eats it.
He’ll be brokenhearted if she rejects him, as alas the great majority are rejected. Of course, the successful ones have their hearts broken too, albeit more slowly and painfuly.
I expect she’ll get to the bottom of it.
Let us all pray for more of those three, in this terrible world.
That’s the right sort of apology to make when something offensive and sexist – or just plain thoughtless – has been said: quick, heartfelt and complete. Males who aren’t lucky enough to live in female-led relationships just don’t have the practice to be good at apologising – really, really good, I mean.

Theory lessons

A more high-minded post today, as we present more inspiring quotes from the Female Supremacist literature. Do the work, check your privilege and learn to be a good, obedient ally. Or don’t… and suffer the consequences.

“There are many strands of Female Supremacist thinking. Some, like myself, believe that although males should – obviously – not be fully equal with females, they should be cared for with a loving but firm hand. Others want to make them suffer. I don’t believe we have to choose. Think of it as good cop / bad cop. Accept your role as my beloved but disciplined pet… or perhaps you’d rather I handed you over to my friend with the cattle prod, here.”

Rachel McAdams, The Owner’s Manual: Female Supremacy in relationships and marriage

“Male earning power is impressive – but so is the pulling power of a horse or an ox. Like them, it can be domesticated and put to use.”

Talulah Riley, Enslave the Rich (men)!

Of course a Female Supremacist society will be good for men! They’ll have full employment, healthier lifestyles and above all the satisfaction that comes from having clear goals, boundaries and purpose in life. Any sensible person can see these outweigh any minor inconveniences from no longer being free! Sadly, few men are sensible, which is why it is important not to allow them the choice.

Penny Mordaunt, M.P. In the Nanny State. Freedom and Responsibility in a Female Supremacist Britain

“Becoming a female supremacist was the best decision I ever took – and the last one I ever had to take unaided. I’m not saying I have never had any regrets, but I am certain that any regret I might feel is of no importance at all.”

Samantha’s Husband, Surrendered

“Sometimes men say they’d find it difficult to adjust to life in a female supremacist state: to be obedient and subservient to their female rulers. They’re wrong, of course (males usually are). Males will find it easy to be bend the knee and be obedient: it is those who refuse to do so who will find life difficult.  Very difficult.”

Eleise de Lacy, When Women Rule

“First of all, of course, I would like to thank my Mistress, Miss Kate, for making me write this book; for letting me stay up late after my service hours to write it and for reading and critically reviewing it. Every word you are about to read has been approved by Miss Kate, so I am not – of course – trying to convince you that my own unsupported opinions are worthy of respect.”

Maid Jenny Katesboy, Embracing Inferiority

“Castration can be a divisive topic in the Femsuprem community. Look, I understand that some women, regrettably, are heterosexual and I can see we need to keep a small stock of functional dick for them to have fun with. But even heteros know that men don’t stay attractive their whole lives, so every male should be castrated eventually (and for the more annoying ones, this really should be as soon as possible).”

Kristen Stewart, Dare to Dream

“A female supremacist world would still have room for seductive dressing but the focus would be different – mocking and driving males mad with frustration, rather than seeking to take their money – because they won’t have any.

Ariadna Maj, Female-oriented Sexuality

“I know this is going to sound kooky and mystical but I truly believe that the increase in females with sadistic sexual desires is Mother Gaia’s response to the violence we’re inflicting on this planet.  By giving us sexual pleasure from inflicting pain on males, She is trying to create a society that will help the planet heal and doing so in true Goddess style: with love.”

Gal Gadot, Goddess! Helping men fulfil their need to worship.

“Some people look at what is and ask ‘why’? I look at what is not and ask ‘Hey! What lazy bastard piece-of-shit man is responsible for this?’”

Madame Christine, They Deserve It: Lessons in Philosophy from the Other World Kingdom

“There is a lot wrong with the world. The key to producing meaningful, lasting change is to realise that all of it is the fault of men. Once you have taken that step, the solution is obvious.”

Annie Hathaway, Equality is not enough!

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