But fortunately steel is a lot stronger.
The title, obviously, indicating that it’s a special dedicated to that wholesome British country pastime, The Hunt. Vicious, brutal and non-consensual with no scantily clad ladies but lots of words. Those last two may well put male readers off, I know, but no one here cares what males think, so that’s fine.
Not a proper post, just thought I’d share with the world my latest attempts at AI art. It’s not there yet, but things are looking more promising and interesting. These ones are from Ideogram. Not bad, I reckon, but it struggles with putting humans in ‘unusual’ situations (like naked midget males in cages), which is fair enough I suppose as there is regrettably little of that sort of thing out there in the ‘real’ world.
I am neither proud nor ashamed of these – just thought it interesting to see what works reasonably well and what does not.
Her guiding hand
Control the beast
Jolly hockey sticks
They can be such fun. Yes, we’re back in the wonderful world of St Mackenzies, that great British educational institution that understands the contribution a good carpet-munching, peach-bumping lesbian gangbang – or several – can make to a traditional education.
Any resemblance to the real StMacs is… well, somewhat unsurprising, seeing as that is where I got the pictures.
Lowly thoughts
Unnecessary evil
It’s just for fun.
Pitch black
A new theme. No resemblance to any actual products made by real companies with highly litigious legal departments is intended.