Her guiding hand

No need to try to remember when you last saw it, obviously, as you don’t forget something like that.
Teach a man to fish, he’ll catch fish whenever he feels like it and probably spend most of his time masturbating; brutally cane him whenever he fails to meet his fish quota, you can live off the fishery earnings for life.
Isn’t that more important? I mean, for one thing she’s going to have a lot more orgasms than you would – as will the two lads too – so it’s a net plus, in utilitarian terms.
Honestly, they’ve gone to all this trouble to give you a terrifying, agonising and life-threatening experience… seems churlish to whine about the weather.
But any lady who does actually decide to break a leg should make sure it belongs to someone not in the show.

Jolly hockey sticks

They can be such fun. Yes, we’re back in the wonderful world of St Mackenzies, that great British educational institution that understands the contribution a good carpet-munching, peach-bumping lesbian gangbang – or several – can make to a traditional education.

Any resemblance to the real StMacs is… well, somewhat unsurprising, seeing as that is where I got the pictures.

Ladies in red

Title says it all…

It’s a long staircase… plenty of room for more memories. Let’s hope these ones are happier, as she does seem awfully unlucky, the poor thing.
Waste not want not… you’ll be boiling that up with some dirty socks for your supper, later.
I think it’ll be a lot easier. Leaves you more time to concentrate on the things that matter.
If it makes her more comfortable, where’s the harm in it?
Sometimes it can be hard to get to the right answer, but it’s always easier when there’s a woman to tell you what it is.
In German, the verb is always at the end of a sentence which must make for tense conversations with disciplinarians.

Mulier Sapiens

There’s just never enough time in the day, is there? If only men could multi-task, but alas, that’s not an option.
She’s lucky to have a friend who’ll take the time to listen – you know, they’ve been walking for two hours already? You can’t rush these kinds of conversations.
It’s OK to discuss men’s lib when it’s just women idly chatting round a dinner table; it’s not like males breaking the law by saying the same things.
Maybe when ‘Supreme Mistress Suzannah’ realises what she has done, she could rush back? I’m not saying she would – she wouldn’t want to disappoint her mum.
Hmm? Oh, sorry, was I supposed to add a caption down here?
If nuclear war is about to break out, it looks like Strict Mistress Susan’s House of Correction will be the place that gets the call. Which, y’know, might even work out better?

She must be right

We want to hear happy positive words: specifically your online banking details.
Can you believe the ungratitude – and look at all the effort she’s making, you can see that just from his back.
After all this time not able to get an erection, it’ll be nice to be doing that again. Up – zap! – and down. And up again and – zap! Aaanndd….
There are twenty-four verses but I’ve spared you that.

This is the firm and very fair Tamara Kenworthy. Look at the determination on that face – I can only hope her husband learns to appreciate his luck.

If you’re worried about any darts missing the board and piercing you in the neck or face, don’t be. It’s going to be on a long cord, so it’ll be hanging lower down your body than that, just about over your stomach.
Or you could maintain your dignity and accept a spanking and early bedtime without supper, if you don’t want to demean yourself.

Sentimental cruelty

She knows perfectly well you’re only doing it in the hope she’ll get the leash out and drag you along. Be careful what you wish for, that’s what I say.
Although some ladies playing it don’t seem to understand the ‘or’ concept.
Oh dear. These social events can be such a pain.
When I pay for a lesbian sex show I like it to be much more realistic. The girls are more sensibly-clad and at home in bed with one another and I am nowhere in the vicinity – usually not even in the same city. That’s how real lesbians do it. I’ve heard.
She provides the glove, you can provide the rest. Oh – and the permission, of course, she provided that too. And that’s the most important thing of all.
Oh those sex robots. I bought one of the latest ones that supposedly has ‘artificial intelligence’ that reacts appropriately to the situation, but when I turned it on it opened its eyes, took one look at me and shut down irreparably. I told a friend at work who just laughed and told me I shouldn’t always fall for the very latest technology – if I want a machine in my life I’m better off with an electric toaster. So I tried that and now I have second-degree burns in a very uncomfortable place. Dammit.


…a word that doesn’t mean what you probably think it means, as it is a form of ‘systematic argumentative discourse’. So probably not recommended in the sorts of relationships this blog favours, where apologies should be simple, heartfelt (and felt in other parts of the body too) and frequent.

I’ll confess I’ve never understood men who want to cheat on their partners or imagine they can get away with it. It’s not as if any lady’s going to fail to notice a second padlock hanging there on my chastity belt.
My SO is constantly ‘encouraging’ me to learn new dance routines to entertain her bulls, but none of them seem like the sort of guys who really enjoy watching dance, so I hope they don’t get too bored by it all.
Fortunately, Kate’s unlikely to reach the prize first as she’s too soft-hearted to use the whip on her horse, the sweet thing. She doesn’t believe in cruelty to animals.

Not The Hunt, for those of you paying attention to such matters, this is more of an informal social thing, with friends and less death.

He’s not even doing any work, just hanging around the office.
The silly thing’s forgotten to put a blouse on – perhaps you should remind her?
Reminds me of the time I decided to try some vanilla so I booked a sex worker who offered ‘a real girlfriend experience’. Bloody hell… I’m into humiliation and abuse, but not that much!

Critical theory

This blog has often featured material about Female Supremacist thinking but has never really engaged with the literature of this important political movement. Of course, the more advanced texts are not for the mainly male readers of this blog – too many long words, for one thing and some of the concepts are too advanced for male brains and probably best left as a surprise for when the Femsuprem movement takes charge. However, today the blog will be educational so stand by your desk, hands out with palms up and try not to flinch. We present some key quotes from some of the classic works in the field, by the movement’s leading thinkers (plus two male allies, who obviously neither lead nor, in any meaningful sense, think, but their hearts and tongues are in the right place).

“I think ‘equality feminists’ don’t realise just how insulting it is to a Female Supremacist – as it ought to be to any woman – when they say we should be equal to men.  You can consider yourself equal to a semi-evolved ape if you like, sister. I don’t.”

Eleise de Lacy, When Women Rule

“The greatest beneficiaries of a female supremacist society would be males themselves, relieved of the burden of taking decisions, to which they are so manifestly unsuited. They should thank us for taking that on – and I’m sure they will.”

Rachel McAdams, The Owner’s Manual: Female Supremacy in relationships and marriage

“Women will never be truly free until all men are enslaved.”

Madame Šárka, Loving and Fearing (translated from the Czech by otrokář_7)

“Scientific and economic progress will not cease in the Female Supremacist state. Female scientists will direct teams of male scientists who will work hard (if they know what is good for them) to produce innovations to benefit all womanity. Brutal, back-breaking manual labour will increasingly become unnecessary as machines can carry out the menial or most unpleasant work. Which will make it still more enjoyable to enslave males and force them to perform it.”

Sanna Marin, The Whip Hand: Economic policy and workplace relations in the Female Supremacist state

“Happy? Am I happy? Why would it matter to anyone whether I’m happy? It certainly doesn’t matter to me – only She matters.”

nd23 Permission to Speak

“Way back, before I even thought of myself as a feminist, let alone a female supremacist, I started keeping a ‘castration list’ of men who would be much improved by going under the knife. It was kind of a joke with myself… until one day I realised it wasn’t. Until one day I looked at the list, I saw how long it was, I thought about all the other women who must have castration lists of their own, real or virtual and… well, that was the day I became a female supremacist. And to anyone reading this who’s wondering if he’s on my list? If you think you might be then, yeah, you probably are. And we’ll be in power soon, boy.”

Megyn Kelley, In Four-inch Heels

“I often hear males who want to be allies ask me ‘what can I do to help the Femsuprem cause?’  I just reply ‘Do as you’re told, of course, moron.’  It is a stupid question. But men are stupid, never forget that.”

Eva Green, Patriarchs to Eunuchs: a practical programme for female supremacy (translated from the French by cafard)

“Like many female supremacists I have ambivalent feelings about male ‘submissives’. On the one hand, I find them contemptible – I have no desire to enslave a man who wants (or through sexual obsession believes himself to want) to be enslaved. On the other hand, they have their uses. One of them is typing these words as I dictate, while the other busies himself in my kitchen.”

Penny Mordaunt, In the Nanny State. Freedom and Responsibility in a Female Supremacist Britain

“Like most men, I was too stupid to realise my own inferiority. Unlike many, I was lucky enough to be taught that I was wrong. This is not my story, because my past, like my present, belongs to Her now. But She has allowed me to tell it.”

owned Sarahsboy, my place

“Sometimes women ask me how I can be so confident that men are inferior. I ask ‘Have you met one?’”

Annie Hathaway, Equality is not enough!

But you won’t cry, I know

Angry tears are too dear.

She likes it when you say please and thank you, but you need to get used to saying them quickly, because once she starts using alternating hands, it gets pretty fast.
Men need to take responsibility for their own behaviour. His body, his fault.
They say when you’re in a hole it’s best to stop digging… although my experience has always been that if I’m digging a hole I’d better damn well keep digging as fast as I can, until she tells me to stop.
Don’t get your hopes up, she rarely keeps the boys she collects when she’s out.
And if she does finally snap and put you on the leash, for goodness’ sake don’t make her drag you along. It’s not fair to expect her to do all the work in the relationship.
She doesn’t realise what a career boost a photo feature in AFM can provide. Take a look at some of the shots from the magazine I’ve featured here – A-listers, almost all of them.*

* Fans of AFM – yes, there are some, you’re not the weirdest reader of this blog, you know, not by a long chalk – can look forward to a great start to 2025. No spoilers, though.

It’s your own fault, darling.

So stop making excuses.

It must be terrible for Raoul, thinking about and wanting sex all the time and but having sometimes to spend entire days without it. No wonder he lashes out at you, the poor frustrated guy.
The smell can get pretty bad but it never reaches the guards’ quarters, so no one suffers who isn’t supposed to.
Don’t worry, they haven’t been tested on animals; the pharmaceutical company that makes them has a cruelty-free policy.
Many men who embark on a serious chastity relationship end up being quite surprised at how infrequently they really need an orgasm. I haven’t needed one for years now, apparently.
Guys: you shouldn’t be shy about telling your date what you like to do. I’m sure most women would vastly prefer to watch you sweatily wank on their boots than actually letting you touch them.
You might have safety concerns about such a woman being in a male institution – but don’t. Any male prisoners with whom she has to share a cell will be physically restrained before the door is slammed shut leaving her alone with them for the night, so she should be safe enough. Anyway, she seems cheerful enough at the prospect of it, the brave young thing.
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