Keeping it real

More images of female domination that aim to expose the harsh – sometimes even bleak – reality that underlies our harsh – sometimes even bleak – fantasy world.
Subs are all about rules.  It’s good of dommes to indulge us. I don’t know what I’d do with myself without my chastity regime, for example.
Fake lesbian crap?  On this blog? Surely not.
We would not.
…and I suppose it would be exciting to imagine that she’d be sitting on him, too.  But her fantasy is probably more along the lines of her sitting somewhere else entirely – a nice cafe, for instance – properly dressed.

Professional services

… this week, the blog presents a slightly more realistic take than usual, on some of the activities we so much enjoy.

Actually, this doesn’t much happen to me.  Not during cage time.  What does happen is that I am about to be tied across the whipping bench, with much menace and sense of danger… and I ask for a quick bathroom break before we start. ‘Fine’… she sighs, tapping the crop in irritation and off I toddle. Perhaps I should stick to adult baby play… there the whole situation is already in-scene and conveniently portable.
Shameful clothing?  How awful!  Oh no… no… please don’t do that, Br’er Zoe!
The first 30 seconds are the best, I find…
…but sometimes we don’t get there at all.

This is the truly, maddeningly wonderful Goddess Serena, of course. So where’s Alice, you might ask?  Oh, she’s here.


Yes.  Please.


Realism in BDSM

Occasionally I get comments from ‘readers’ objecting to a lack of realism in some of my captioned images.  And although, obviously, I like to claim that everything depicted here is true to life, that’s what my Significant Other likes to term ‘a lie’ and I know what happens to little boys who lie, don’t I? Yes I do.


Sorry, where was I?  I started thinking about something else.

Oh yes!  Realism. Right, well I have the perfect excuse because just over there to the right, in the blog-blurb written on the very first day of this blog’s existence (January 2011…oh, I was young, carefree, innocent), I make quite clear that everything here is a total fantasy (I’m not really called ‘Servitor’, I don’t own a computer and I actually can’t speak English, as it happens), so there and yah boo, I win the argument!

However, I recognise that there are those who like their kink a bit more on the realistic side, so in total contradiction to everything I’ve ever said on the subject, here are some captioned images that try to capture aspects of femdom as it’s practised in the real world.

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