…without good reason.

…without good reason.
A more high-minded post today, as we present more inspiring quotes from the Female Supremacist literature. Do the work, check your privilege and learn to be a good, obedient ally. Or don’t… and suffer the consequences.
“There are many strands of Female Supremacist thinking. Some, like myself, believe that although males should – obviously – not be fully equal with females, they should be cared for with a loving but firm hand. Others want to make them suffer. I don’t believe we have to choose. Think of it as good cop / bad cop. Accept your role as my beloved but disciplined pet… or perhaps you’d rather I handed you over to my friend with the cattle prod, here.”
Rachel McAdams, The Owner’s Manual: Female Supremacy in relationships and marriage
“Male earning power is impressive – but so is the pulling power of a horse or an ox. Like them, it can be domesticated and put to use.”
Talulah Riley, Enslave the Rich (men)!
Of course a Female Supremacist society will be good for men! They’ll have full employment, healthier lifestyles and above all the satisfaction that comes from having clear goals, boundaries and purpose in life. Any sensible person can see these outweigh any minor inconveniences from no longer being free! Sadly, few men are sensible, which is why it is important not to allow them the choice.
Penny Mordaunt, M.P. In the Nanny State. Freedom and Responsibility in a Female Supremacist Britain
“Becoming a female supremacist was the best decision I ever took – and the last one I ever had to take unaided. I’m not saying I have never had any regrets, but I am certain that any regret I might feel is of no importance at all.”
Samantha’s Husband, Surrendered
“Sometimes men say they’d find it difficult to adjust to life in a female supremacist state: to be obedient and subservient to their female rulers. They’re wrong, of course (males usually are). Males will find it easy to be bend the knee and be obedient: it is those who refuse to do so who will find life difficult. Very difficult.”
Eleise de Lacy, When Women Rule
“First of all, of course, I would like to thank my Mistress, Miss Kate, for making me write this book; for letting me stay up late after my service hours to write it and for reading and critically reviewing it. Every word you are about to read has been approved by Miss Kate, so I am not – of course – trying to convince you that my own unsupported opinions are worthy of respect.”
Maid Jenny Katesboy, Embracing Inferiority
“Castration can be a divisive topic in the Femsuprem community. Look, I understand that some women, regrettably, are heterosexual and I can see we need to keep a small stock of functional dick for them to have fun with. But even heteros know that men don’t stay attractive their whole lives, so every male should be castrated eventually (and for the more annoying ones, this really should be as soon as possible).”
Kristen Stewart, Dare to Dream
“A female supremacist world would still have room for seductive dressing but the focus would be different – mocking and driving males mad with frustration, rather than seeking to take their money – because they won’t have any.
Ariadna Maj, Female-oriented Sexuality
“I know this is going to sound kooky and mystical but I truly believe that the increase in females with sadistic sexual desires is Mother Gaia’s response to the violence we’re inflicting on this planet. By giving us sexual pleasure from inflicting pain on males, She is trying to create a society that will help the planet heal and doing so in true Goddess style: with love.”
Gal Gadot, Goddess! Helping men fulfil their need to worship.
“Some people look at what is and ask ‘why’? I look at what is not and ask ‘Hey! What lazy bastard piece-of-shit man is responsible for this?’”
Madame Christine, They Deserve It: Lessons in Philosophy from the Other World Kingdom
“There is a lot wrong with the world. The key to producing meaningful, lasting change is to realise that all of it is the fault of men. Once you have taken that step, the solution is obvious.”
Annie Hathaway, Equality is not enough!
Been a while since I did a post about Rule 18. Why? Oh, probably because that series isn’t really femdom and no one likes it. But I was thinking… do I actually care what my readers like? Do they deserve to see stuff they like? The answer to both questions has to be no, of course not. And you know you don’t deserve that, if you’re honest with yourselves, don’t you, hmm? That’s right. So this is what you get today.
For anyone confused, beyond the normal male mental fog, ‘Rule 18’ is from Servitor’s (rather presumptuous and impertinent) advice to a novice domme and it states “try to avoid sessions with clients who have really specific fetishes and can’t get off unless it is exactly right.”
Mostly just silly pictures, but some have captions. Oh – and at the end, some illustrations of why Rule 3 matters, too.
Post-script: I promised you some Rule 3 illustrations too. Rule 3? Oh, yeah, sure: “You are not expected to have sex with your clients. Thank goodness.” Basically, just images of particularly unattractive malesubs*, especially in the presence of a gorgeous goddess.
* I suppose some people might object to my sneering at the appearance of people who are – after all – just male submissives like myself. Why should they be singled out to be degraded and humiliated, by my mocking them in this way? Isn’t it unfair? And the answer is yes, of course, it is: they really ought to be paying for this treatment, the cheap little bastards. But hey, it’s nearly Christmas, right? They can have this one as a freebie.
More glimpses from a bygone, more civilised age.
This blog has often featured material about Female Supremacist thinking but has never really engaged with the literature of this important political movement. Of course, the more advanced texts are not for the mainly male readers of this blog – too many long words, for one thing and some of the concepts are too advanced for male brains and probably best left as a surprise for when the Femsuprem movement takes charge. However, today the blog will be educational so stand by your desk, hands out with palms up and try not to flinch. We present some key quotes from some of the classic works in the field, by the movement’s leading thinkers (plus two male allies, who obviously neither lead nor, in any meaningful sense, think, but their hearts and tongues are in the right place).
“I think ‘equality feminists’ don’t realise just how insulting it is to a Female Supremacist – as it ought to be to any woman – when they say we should be equal to men. You can consider yourself equal to a semi-evolved ape if you like, sister. I don’t.”
Eleise de Lacy, When Women Rule
“The greatest beneficiaries of a female supremacist society would be males themselves, relieved of the burden of taking decisions, to which they are so manifestly unsuited. They should thank us for taking that on – and I’m sure they will.”
Rachel McAdams, The Owner’s Manual: Female Supremacy in relationships and marriage
“Women will never be truly free until all men are enslaved.”
Madame Šárka, Loving and Fearing (translated from the Czech by otrokář_7)
“Scientific and economic progress will not cease in the Female Supremacist state. Female scientists will direct teams of male scientists who will work hard (if they know what is good for them) to produce innovations to benefit all womanity. Brutal, back-breaking manual labour will increasingly become unnecessary as machines can carry out the menial or most unpleasant work. Which will make it still more enjoyable to enslave males and force them to perform it.”
Sanna Marin, The Whip Hand: Economic policy and workplace relations in the Female Supremacist state
“Happy? Am I happy? Why would it matter to anyone whether I’m happy? It certainly doesn’t matter to me – only She matters.”
nd23 Permission to Speak
“Way back, before I even thought of myself as a feminist, let alone a female supremacist, I started keeping a ‘castration list’ of men who would be much improved by going under the knife. It was kind of a joke with myself… until one day I realised it wasn’t. Until one day I looked at the list, I saw how long it was, I thought about all the other women who must have castration lists of their own, real or virtual and… well, that was the day I became a female supremacist. And to anyone reading this who’s wondering if he’s on my list? If you think you might be then, yeah, you probably are. And we’ll be in power soon, boy.”
Megyn Kelley, In Four-inch Heels
“I often hear males who want to be allies ask me ‘what can I do to help the Femsuprem cause?’ I just reply ‘Do as you’re told, of course, moron.’ It is a stupid question. But men are stupid, never forget that.”
Eva Green, Patriarchs to Eunuchs: a practical programme for female supremacy (translated from the French by cafard)
“Like many female supremacists I have ambivalent feelings about male ‘submissives’. On the one hand, I find them contemptible – I have no desire to enslave a man who wants (or through sexual obsession believes himself to want) to be enslaved. On the other hand, they have their uses. One of them is typing these words as I dictate, while the other busies himself in my kitchen.”
Penny Mordaunt, In the Nanny State. Freedom and Responsibility in a Female Supremacist Britain
“Like most men, I was too stupid to realise my own inferiority. Unlike many, I was lucky enough to be taught that I was wrong. This is not my story, because my past, like my present, belongs to Her now. But She has allowed me to tell it.”
owned Sarahsboy, my place
“Sometimes women ask me how I can be so confident that men are inferior. I ask ‘Have you met one?’”
Annie Hathaway, Equality is not enough!
“… he had not foreseen rose with such force within him that his whole body shook and for a long time prevented him from speaking. Falling on his knees by her bed. He held his wife’s hand to his lips and kissed it, and her hand responded to his kisses with weak movement of her finger.”*
More femdom from a less gentle but more genteel age. I know this series won’t appeal to a lot of the male readers of this blog, as there isn’t a lot of female flesh on display and the captions have a lot of words, some of them quite long and difficult.** And if I cared what they think, I suppose I would do something about that.
* Not Austen, Tolstoy. But fortunately, I have a tag for that already.
** Pro-tip: try moving your lips quietly when you read. Women won’t mind if they see you doing it; they all know we males are morons. Counting on your fingers can help when there are hard maths sums to solve, too.
*** That one is Austen.
Since you’re all the way down here, reading the footnotes, you’ve obviously got nothing better to do with your time (still locked up, are we? awww, never mind…) so here’s a trivia question for you: what links caption 2 and caption 5 – and also (unintentionally on my part) the text but not the image in caption 6? Hmm?
A week is a long time in politics, they say, which makes it a lot like predicament bondage.
I should apologise for any medical problems induced by the high prevalance of heart-stopping beauty in this post. But I won’t, because anyone collapsing in front of his screen, trousers around his ankles, probably deserved it, nasty little pervert.