Gender imbalance

I won’t give away the ending. Oh all right then, I will.  The book falls off and he gets the crap beaten out of him with a perspex cane. OK?

Now I understand why they make the interns wear shorts.

erm… Translation?  Rotation?  Summation?

I’ve heard that if you insult the waiting staff in some restaurants, they’ll spit into your food. But I just can’t bring myself to be other than grovellingly respectful to a waitress.  What’s a sub to do?

One day she’ll meet Mr Perfect and won’t feel the need to enslave and degrade him.  One day.

Sex and violence…

Sex and violence, sex and violence
goes together like a gag and silence…

Fortunately for us, we can only see her front in this picture, so obviously there’s no inappropriate leering from our side.

She’s got a funny story about how he actually proposed – just wait.

Bondage and arachnophobia… quite a stimulating combination, I think.

The lovely Idda Van Munster who will be featured here again, believe me.

…and just to annoy Declan again:

Can I stake a claim for the first use of the word ‘contemporaneous’ in a femdom porn blog, please? *  

* Don’t worry – we’re back to normal service after Friday’s maledom special and we are no longer expecting male dominant readers.  So it’s OK to use big complicated words and subtle(ish) humour.  Yay!

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