Error correction mechanisms

My Significant Other has quite a few of them.

Cruella domme of my adolescent dreams...ahhhh
If the lipstick smear on her cigarette doesn’t act like a religious icon for you, you’re reading the wrong blog.

Bent over double and naked...but happy
And it’s only just gone the longest day, too.  Those long summer evenings, eh?

secretary humiliation oh my
Julie looks nice, doesn’t she?  Funny how looks can be deceptive like that.

The strap...again
If you’ve forgotten, don’t worry – she’ll just let you keep confessing to things until you get it.

Chastity with a smile
Isn’t that brave?  This is so hard for her to do – but aren’t you proud that she resisted the temptation to give in to her sweeter nature?  Again?

Incidentally, Servitor will be having a correction session this Thursday.  So if there’s anything relating to this blog you want to complain about, now’s a really a good time.  I’ll pass on your comments to Someone who can deal me, err… I mean them properly.
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